
In: Computer Science

Enter an additional record in the Session table with the PatientNum 1022. What happens when you try to move onto another record? What is the error message? Why?

Enter an additional record in the Session table with the PatientNum 1022. What happens when you try to move onto another record? What is the error message? Why? 


Expert Solution

When you type in the record and try to move to a new record, you receive a dialog box that has a warning message that says “You cannot add or change a record because a related record is required in the table ‘Patient’“. This is because there is a one to many relationship with referential integrity between the tables Patient and Session. This prevents an entry of a new PatientNum in the Session table without first having that PatientNum recorded in the Patient table.

Dialog warns of required related record in "Patient" table due to one-to-many relationship, enforcing referential integrity.

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