
In: Civil Engineering

#1 You are overseeing the plans for construction of a new highway. Someone proposes using cheaper,...

#1 You are overseeing the plans for construction of a new highway. Someone proposes using cheaper, substandard materials to control/treat water flowing off the construction site. The water on the construction site contains measureable concentrations of sediments, oils from vehicles, heavy metals, and components of asphalt. A recreational lake is nearby and downgradient from the construction site. This is a substantial slope (10% grade) across the site.

Parts pertaining to #1:

a) LIST the three pillars of sustainability and EXPLAIN how this issue connects to each pillar.

b) Assuming you are a licensed engineer, what is your ethical obligation to the public AND other licensed engineers working on this job? [Your response should cover ethical obligations to both parties.]

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a. Three pillars of sustainability are Economic, Social and Environmental. If there is use of sunstandard material for treatment of water flowing off the site then the water will be contaminated with sediments, oils and metals etc. Which will flow in the lake near the construction site. Here comes the Enviornmental sustainability into play. This action will pollute the water lake i.e. Environment. Therefore it is against concept of Enviornmental sustainability.

Further this lake water will be used people,which can harm the health of people. This is against social pillar of sustainability.

Once the lake is contaminated, there will be need of treatment of water before use i.e. water treatment plants will be needed. Which in turn need funds and effect economy. Here the case effect the economical pillar of sustainability.

b. My primary obligation is with public. I have to act in safety of the people. I have to stop site incharge from doing this senseless thing to use sunstandard materials which will lead to contamination of water in lake and will destroy health of people.

As an engineer I will tell all the engineers working on this job about the consequences of the usage of substandard material for water treatment. I will make their mind to not to use such materials. If they do not agree then I will complaint about this to higher authorities and administration also.

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