
In: Civil Engineering

You are overseeing the plans for construction of a new highway. Someone proposes using cheaper, substandard...

You are overseeing the plans for construction of a new highway. Someone proposes using cheaper,
substandard materials to control/treat water flowing off the construction site. The water on the
construction site contains measureable concentrations of sediments, oils from vehicles, heavy metals, and
components of asphalt. A recreational lake is nearby and downgradient from the construction site. This is
a substantial slope (10% grade) across the site.
a) (5 points) LIST the three pillars of sustainability and EXPLAIN how this issue connects to each
b) (5 points) Assuming you are a licensed engineer, what is your ethical obligation to the public
AND other licensed engineers working on this job? [Your response should cover ethical
obligations to both parties.]
c) (5 points) LIST and DESCRIBE at least two ways to control fluvial (water) erosion on this site.


Expert Solution

Three mainstays of maintainability are Economic, Social and Environmental. In the event that there is utilization of sun standard material for treatment of water streaming off the site then the water will be sullied with silt, oils and metals and so forth. Which will stream in the lake close to the building site. Here comes the Environmental maintainability into play. This activity  will dirty the water lake for example Condition. In this manner it is against idea of Environmental manageability.

Further this lake water will be utilized people,which can hurt the strength of individuals. This is against social mainstay of maintainability.

When the lake is sullied, there will be need of treatment of water before use for example water treatment plants will be required. Which thusly need assets and impact economy. Here the case impact the efficient mainstay of maintainability.


My essential commitment is with open. I need to act in well being of the individuals. I need to prevent site in-charge from doing this silly thing to utilize sun standard materials which will prompt tainting of water in lake and will annihilate well being of individuals.

As a specialist I will tell all the designers dealing with this activity about the outcomes of the utilization
of unacceptable material for water treatment. I will make their psyche to not to utilize such materials. On the off chance that they don't concur, at that point I will protest about this to higher specialists and organization too.


Verbalized Concrete Blocks:

Enunciated solid squares are revetment frameworks that can be built in a wide assortment of shapes and thicknesses. The squares structure a lattice of interconnected units utilized for disintegration control on banks of conduits and synthetic waste channels.

MSE Walls:
Precisely balanced out earth (MSE) dividers have supplanted numerous conventional cement holding dividers in ongoing decades. MSE dividers offer a few favorable circumstances over customary strengthened solid dividers, including straightforwardness and speed of establishment. This framework additionally is versatile to an assortment of locales.

Turbidity Barriers:

Turbidity boundaries are utilized to forestall soil disintegration and relocation of contaminants in water. They are normally made of a geotextile layer that drifts and is tied down to the base of the water body with loads. Once in a while turbidity hindrances are utilized for supplemental dregs control.


Geotextiles are normally used to control disintegration and improve soils over which streets, banks, pipelines, and earth-holding structures are manufactured. Contingent upon the application, geotextiles may have an open work weave, a twist sewed structure, or a shut texture or nonwoven surface. The particular kind of geotextile utilized depends on a few models,including partition, filtration, seepage, fortification, fixing, and assurance.

French Drains:

A French channel is an arrangement of underground funneling—called channel tile—that channels surface and groundwater to a leave point. The channel tile may likewise be punctured to permit water to saturate the dirt beneath the tile, while overabundance water goes to the leave point. French channels are introduced with a slant of around 1 inch of drop for each 10 feet of level run.

Soil Nails:

Soil nailing gives an opposing power against slant disappointments and offers generally speedy establishment.The essential establishment system includes penetrating into the dirt and putting a progression of steel bars—the nails—profound into the earth. The nails are topped at the surface with a looking to make a boundary like a holding divider. Soil nails likewise can be crashed into the dirt and might possibly be grouted set up after establishment.


Riprap is a generally utilized technique to shield soil from disintegration in zones of concentrated spillover.
Riprap is a layer of extremely huge stones interlocked together to go about as a hindrance on slants that are temperamental on account of leakage issues or regions that are getting an enormous, concentrated stream. This strategy is ordinarily used to limit disintegration of lake shores and riverbeds. Riprap frequently is introduced over an engineered geotextile layer to keep the dirt from traveling through the riprap.

Residue Control Methods:

Residue control measures apply to any building site where there is the potential for air and water contamination from dust bridging the scene or through the air. Residue additionally speaks to the potential for wind disintegration. Regular techniques for dust control in soil incorporate clouded water, residue wall (and comparative boundaries), and polymer added substances.

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