Synergy basically means coming together, a firm can decide to
pool its resources in terms of its operations, finances, markets
etc. to gain a better control and achieve efficiency within the
market in an effective way. Different types of synergies and their
effect on value of company are laid down as follows:
- Operational synergy: Under this, the firm will merge operations
of two or more of its business with an aim to achieve efficiency,
as it is said 'whole is more than sum of its parts'. If two parts
of a company is merged together to achieve efficiency than it leads
to operational synergy. A company would perform this for the
purpose of gaining economies of scale, higher pricing power, better
product line and a combination of enhanced marketing strategies.
Due to these operational efficiencies, the overall value of the
firm gets increased in the longer run.
- Managerial synergy: If the managerial synergy is achieved by a
firm, then it will lead to managerial effectiveness for the firm.
It will allow individuals in the organization to have more creative
ideas, the risk appetite will increase sharply and innovations in
the organization will increase, thus value of the company will
increase overtime.
- Financial synergy: If, for example, a small subsidiary of big
company will go to borrow a loan, the bank will certainly charge a
higher rate of interest which will result in higher cost of capital
for the company, on the other hand if the small firm is merged with
big firm and then loan is taken, the same can be get a far lower
rate of interest due to size of the business, therefore financial
synergy reduces the cost of capital of the firm in longer run and
enhances its market value overtime.
- Market power: It is the ability of a firm to have control on
the market prices of its goods and services in which the company
can increase the prices without having effect on its sales and
volume. This can be achieved through merger of subsidiaries and
other parts of the companies together to create a market
leadership. This will enhance the value of firm over period of