1) Enteromorpha is a genus of green algae (family
Ulvaceae) having a hollow tubular thallus with a wall one cell in
thickness and often growing on the bottoms of ships.
2) Importance of Enteromorpha :
- Its dried and crushed fronds can be used as topping for many
foods, in soups and as a coating.
- Is also applied as fish bait.
- In Chinese herbal medicine Enteromorpha is used
against goitre.
Importance of Prototheca:
- Prototheca have obtained increasing importance in
human medicine.
- Some species can cause the disease protothecosis.
3- Ecological significances of Ulvophyceans.
- Green macroalgae, mostly represented by the Ulvophyceae,
constitute important primary producers of marine and brackish
coastal ecosystems.
- Ulva development can drive ecologically important
events, such as the increasing number of green tides observed
worldwide as a result of eutrophication of coastal waters.
- Ulva growth is symbiotic, with proper development
requiring close association with bacterial epiphytes,
- Ulva acts as an exciting novel model organism for
studies of algal growth, development and morphogenesis as well as
mutualistic interactions
- Major importance to the trade and industry sectors.
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