1) What are Klockars's descriptions of police authority, power,
persuasion, and force?
2) Describe Wilson and...
1) What are Klockars's descriptions of police authority, power,
persuasion, and force?
2) Describe Wilson and Brown's typologies of police, and explain
how each might use discretion.
Be specific in own words. thanks
Expert Solution
1)Authority is described as the unquestionable entitlement to
be obeyed.
Power is the means to achieve domination or overcome
Persuasion is the use of signs, symbols, words, and arguments
to induce compliance.
Force is the authority to use physical coercion to overcome the
will of the individual.
2)Wilson has three typologies of police, legalistic, watchman,
and caretaker. Legalistic is described as the least amenable to
discretionary enforcement. Watchman is police officers who define
situations as threatening or serious depending on the groups
involved. And lastly is caretaker which treats citizens differently
depending on their relative power and position in society.
Brown has four which are: 1) old style crime fighter that are
concerned only with action that might be considered crime control,
2) clean beat seeks to control all behavior in their jurisdiction,
3) service style officers emphasize public order and peace officer
tasks, and 4) professional style officers are the epitome of
bureaucratic by the book policing.
1) What are Klockars's descriptions of police authority, power,
persuasion, and force?
2) Describe Wilson and Brown's typologies of police, and explain
how each might use discretion.
3) What factors were associated with citizen's experiences of
"disrespect" from police officers in the research described in
Chapter 6.
Be specific
What is necessary in order for a police officer to
have authority to conduct a Terry weapons frisk? What is the
permissible scope of this search? What is the permissible
intensity? When, if ever, may police seize items other than weapons
discovered during a limited weapons search?
1. What is the difference between arguments, opinions and
2. What is the difference between arguments and explanations,
and what is the primary purpose of each?
1-Which of the following increases the potential for
Enforcing authority, policies, procedures, job descriptions,
budgets, and day-to-day supervision to make sure that people act in
harmony with organizational interests
Ensuring participative organizational cultures in which everyone
treats each other with respect and consideration
Preparing budgets for personnel, equipment, travel expenses, and
the like to keep behavior targeted within set limits
Influencing behavior through norms and expectations set by the
organizational culture
Harnessing the power of group cohesiveness and collective...
A sample of 1006 people found 64% view their local police force
a. What is the % chance that more than 60% of
people feel this way?
b. What is the chance that between 65% and 68% of people
feel the same way?
c. What % chance that more than 70% of local people fell
the same way?
At a shooting range, a sample of 714 shots found 13% hit the
d. What guess would you say the percentage...
Compare and contrast authority and power in terms of
leadership. What do you define as effective leadership? What role
does authority have in effective leadership? What role does power
have in relationship with effective leadership? Provide
Describe each of the following repair
mechanisms. Your descriptions should (1) differentiate between the
mechanisms, (2) indicate under what circumstances each mechanism is
active, (3) make clear the basic steps of each mechanism and (4)
identify the key enzymes involved. You might consider creating a
diagram or table to assist you with your explanation.
a. proofreading
b. mismatch repair
c. excision repair (focus
on nucleotide excision repair)
d. photoreactivation
e. recombinational
Define what is meant by both the central and peripheral routes
to persuasion. Describe when people are more likely to use the
central route to persuasion, and when they are more likely to use
the peripheral route. When people are using the central route, what
will make an appeal more persuasive? When they are using the
peripheral route, what will make an appeal more persuasive?
What is Power ? Define it 2 ways. What are the 2 main uses for
power? Discuss how power is used for planning a research study. Why
is it important to maximize power?What is the symbolic formula that
shows this relationship?How strong should the power of a potential
study be? How do researchers determine the power of a potential