In: Operations Management
Foothills Athletics is an athletic facility offering services in
the greater Highlands Ranch, Colorado, area. All property owners
living in Highlands Ranch are members of the Recreation Function of
the Highlands Ranch Community Association (HRCA). Foothills
Athletics consists of a recreation facility where residents have
the opportunity to participate in athletic activi- ties, enroll
their children in day camp or preschool, or participate in an HRCA
Personnel: Foothills Athletics has a number of employees, primarily
fitness course in- structors and administrative personnel (e.g.,
billing clerks, equipment managers, etc.). Records are kept on each
employee, past and present, detailing employee name, address, phone
number, date of hire, position, and status as either a current or
former employee. Employees are assigned a unique four-digit
Employee ID number when they are hired.
Members: When joining the Foothills Athletic center, individuals
are assigned a unique four-digit Member ID number. This information
along with their name, address, phone number, gender, birth date,
and date of membership are recorded. At the time of enroll- ment,
each member decides on one of three available membership types
along with a fixed membership fee: Platinum ($400), Gold ($300),
and Silver ($200). This is a one-time fee that establishes a
lifetime membership.
Facilities and Equipment: Foothills Athletics has a variety of
facilities and equipment choices. Each facility has a unique room
number and a size limitation associated with it. Some of the rooms
contain pieces of exercise equipment; all have a serial number
(pro- vided by its manufacturer) that is used for inventory
purposes. In addition, for each piece of equipment, purchase date
and the date of its last maintenance are recorded. Each piece of
equipment belongs to a specific equipment type, such as stair
master machine, and is assigned a unique three-digit identification
number. The description, the manufacturer’s model number, and the
recommended maintenance interval for that model of equipment are
also kept on file. Each equipment type is associated with a single
manufacturer that is referenced by a unique two-digit manufacturer
ID number. Additional information main- tained on each manufacturer
is the company name, address, and phone number.
The Task: You have been hired to assist Foothills Athletics with
creating a database structure that will incorporate all the
features and business rules mentioned above. You should start out
developing an ERD and then proceed to create a normalization
structure in 3NF.
Next we start with the 1Normal form where all the data fields are in a single table, We move on to break the data into multiple tables based on the unique keys they have as shown below.