Play is the activity or work performed by children for the
purpose of enjoyment, social connectivity and physical rewards. It
is spontaneous, natural and plesurable for th child.
- Play enhances the cognitive abilities of children. Most of the
games which children play involves logical reasoning, planning and
thinking about something to achive a goal. Play helps children
develop linguistic abilities and helps communicate with each
- Play helps in developing social skills among childen. They
learn how to interact with other children, and what is the
appoaiate way of comminicating with each other. These social skills
help children to better communicate with each other, and they learn
these behaviours and learn to apply them in real world social
- Physical developemnt is an important aspect of play. Games
involves physical activities whicg help the fine motor and gross
motor coordination of children. It helps in strengthening the
muscles, and makes the children physically active. Physical
activity also in turn has lot of cognitive benefits.