In: Operations Management
Your company is nearing completion of the renovation project mentioned in question 1. Your customer only owns the one facility that you will be working in and they have asked you to provide a full 6D BIM as part of your required deliverables. Please identify at least one advantage your customer will find in receiving this deliverable and why it is an advantage. Also, please identify at least one disadvantage your customer will find in receiving this deliverable. Finally, your customer is considering using cloud based storage to receive and access this data. Please provide one reason why cloud based storage would not be in the interest of this specific customer.
(2 Points) Please identify at least one advantage your customer will find in receiving this deliverable and why it is an advantage.
(2 Points) Please identify at least one disadvantage your customer will find in receiving this deliverable.
(1 Point) Please provide one reason why cloud based storage would not be in the interest of this specific customer.
6D BIM involves use of data models (graphical and non graphical) to support facilties management and therefore to improve operational efficiency. This data includes building blueprints, manufacturers, installation dates, maintenance instructions and optimum usage guidelines. In the field of construction and project management, its applications are manifold.
1. Advantage in receiving the deliverable:
Decision Making: This information will help them adopt a planned and proactive approach towards facilities management and operations, right from the word go. Rather than being in a situation where unexpected costs can come up at any moment, this approach helps them to be well prepared of all future cost implications and plan accordingly.
Why is it an advantage: Based on this information, the company can build spend profiles for its assets based on the cost estimates, throughout the lifespan of an asset.
2. Disdvantage:
3. Why cloud storage would not be of interest?
Based on the limited information provided, as the customer owns only one facility among many, there could be security and access concerns for the data that is relevant to their facility. Also, while cloud provides easy access to this data, huge local memory is required to facilitate the GBs worth of data that is generated as a result of 6D BIM.