In constraint satisfaction, local search is a method for
solving the problem. Is this an example of a hill climbing search
or gradient decent search? Why? How would you convert the algorithm
between the two?
1. What is the "traditional" method for computer search and
seizure, and what is the reasoning for this method?
2. Why does the paper advocate collecting volatile data before
shutting down a computer? What is the single greatest factor
leading to the need to collect this type of data? Why?
3. Does collecting volatile data make changes to the system? If
so, why is it still permissible?
4. Is a new search warrant required to collect volatile data?
Why or...
Description: The search method should prompt the user for a
search phrase. Given the search phrase the search method should
search each line in the file for the location of the phrase on each
line. If the search phrase is not found on a line then just go to
the next line. The search method must find every occurrence of the
phrase on a line. The search method should print the line number,
the line and the location of the...
Give an example of an Internet search or database search that
utilizes both “and” and “or” operators. Also consider other
operators as appropriate for the search. Explain how the search
ensures that the desired information is located. Explain how it
prevents extraneous information from being included in the