In: Biology
23) There are thousands of promoters in the prokaryotic genome. Outline the mechanism used prokaryotic mRNA polymerase navigate to the right promoter to address a particular cellular need.
There are thousands of promoter in prokaryotic genome. The mechanism used prokaryotic mRNA polymerase navigate the right promoter to address a particular need sigma factor.
Initiation of transcription can only occurs from promoter region
of DNA, an initiation factor Sigma binds to the core enzyme and is
called holoenzyme (RNA pol+ sigma factor). The specific sigma
factor used to initiate transcription of a given gene will vary,
depending on the gene and on the environmental signals needed to
initiate transcription of that gene. Selection of promoters by RNA
polymerase is dependent on the sigma factor that associates with
it. The detail function and work of RNA polymerase and sigma factor
is explained in the images, please go through it: for
any further queries, do comments. Thank you.