
In: Biology

Bower birds are unique to Australia. These ground dwelling birds build elaborate grass nests and decorate...

Bower birds are unique to Australia. These ground dwelling birds build elaborate grass nests and decorate them with brightly colored objects (often bits of trash and plastic) to attract a female. The birds use all sorts of colorful items and arrange their displays to try to be most appealing to the female (either using all one color of item or creating a rainbow jumble of plastic trash!) and arrange them artfully to attract females. The females choose their mates based on the brightness and elaborateness of the male’s nest displays. Why might these birds have evolved into such fantastic animal architects?


Expert Solution

Bower birds are perhaps the most wonderful artists of the bird world .It is because of their beautiful constructions which are made for impress females .A bower bird , creates a particularly fantastic bower , in addition to building a symmetrical avenue made of carefully placed twigs .Then the female bower birds in specifiying male bower birds creations.

The female bower birds pay attention to in addition to the gradient , such as the fact that glass objects seem to be placed closer to the bower while bones are generally placed further away .The court is but one aspect of the entire display created by the male which includes both of the decorations as well as his dance display for female's .Many more time taken evolution millions of years to create this unusual bird and it takes males years to learn how to build the perfect bower

This extravagance is also an affront to the rules of the natural selection .Adaptations which are meant to be useful and that is the whole point and most successful creature should be the only best adapter for their particular environment .

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