In: Operations Management
To: Mr. Becker (CEO)
From: Mr. ABC (VP-Operations)
Date: April 1, 2018
In today’s meeting, Mr. Alex Harrington, business strategy consultant from Ernst & Young, laid out tangible business ideas under the “Operation Upmarket” plan. The main element of the plan is the introduction of a preferred guest card by us with the objective of optimally targeting affluent customers who have the ability to spend more. Mr. Alex has coined the phrase “mass affluent” to describe this set of customers and believes that increased business from this set of customers will help us tide over our problems of cash crunch and low level of profitability.
I would like to inform you that we have already undertaken strategic initiatives to target this segment of mass affluent customers. For instance initiatives like converting few souvenir shops to gift boutiques and converting snack concessions into seated dining are initiatives aimed for this very purpose.
On the face of it the strategy proposed by Mr. Alex seems attractive. But on examination the strategy has its share of flaws and is not an optimal strategy to pursue in the long run. First of all offering differentiated services goes against our company’s policy. Our company was created with the objective to provide entertainment to all customers in the same manner. Secondly, in the long run, the impact of the strategy will diminish as preferred card holder customers are made to feel unwelcomed by the other customers. This will make the customer experience unsavory for both set of customers.
Keeping in mind the above circumstances, I am of the opinion that we should implement Mr. Alex’s proposal by keeping a separate line for customers of both segments. Consumers today are more aware than before and are more hard pressed for time more than aware before. Thus having a preferred guest card and having separate lines will help us to meet our requirements in the most practical and rational manner.