Solution -
2.3 - Specific Gravity of Fine Aggregate - It is the raytio of
the weight if given volumne of aggregate to the weight of equal
volume of water.
2.3.1 - Objective - This test covers the procedure for
determining the specific gravity of fine aggregate.
2.3.2 - Scope - Specific gravity test is done to measure thye
strength or quality of the material.
2.3.3 - Apparatus-
- A balance of capacity not less than 3kg , readable and accurate
to 0.5gm and of such a type as to permit the weighing of the vessel
containing the aggregate and water.
- A well ventilated oven to maintain a temperature pf 100oC to
- Pycnometer of about 1 litre capacity ghaving a metal conical
screw top with a 6mm hole at its apex. The screw top shall be
- A means supplying a current warm air.
- A tray of area not less than 32cm2
- An airtight container large enough to take the sample.
- Filter papers and funnel.
2.3.4 - Procedure of Test;
- Take about 500g of sample and place it in the pycnometer.
- Pour distilled water into it until it is full.
- Eliminate the entrapped air by rotating the pycnometer on its
side, the hole in the apex of the cone being covered with a
- Wipe out the outer surface of pycnometer and weight (W)
- Transfer the contents of the pycnometer into a tray , care
being taken to ensure that all aggregate is transferred.
- Refill the pycnometer with distilled water to the same
- Find out the weight (w1)
- Drain water from the sample through a filter paper.
- Place the sample in oven in a tray at a temperature of 100o to
110oC for 24
hours. , during which period it is stirred occasionally to
facilitate drying.
- Cool the sample and weight it (W2).
Calculation - Apparent Specific gravity = (weight of dry
sample/weight of equal volume of water)
= W2/(W2-(W-W2))
2.3.5 - Results - Parameter measured ;
- Fine aggregate bulk specific gravity.
- Fine aggregate bulk SSD specific gravity.
- Fine aggregate apparent specific gravity.
- Fine aggregate absorption.