
In: Computer Science

Write on one page an efficient way to implement a transformation on image or on getting...

Write on one page an efficient way to implement a transformation on image or on getting its histogram (not pixel by pixel cause this is not efficient)


Expert Solution

Hey there ,

Fourier transform is one of the most efficient way used for image processing. In Fourier transform, the intensity of the image is transformed into frequency variation and then to the frequency domain. It is used for slow varying intensity images such as the background of a passport size photo can be represented as low-frequency components and the edges can be represented as high-frequency components. Low-frequency components can be removed using filters of FT domain. When an image is filtered in the FT domain, it contains only the edges of the image. And if we do inverse FT domain to spatial domain then also an image contains only edges. Fourier transform is the simplest technique in which edges of the image can be fined.

Two Dimensional Fourier Transform

Matrix Notation

Properties of Fourier transformation or why Fourier Transformation is used

  • Symmetric Unitary
  • Periodic Extension
  • Sampled Fourier
  • Fast
  • Conjugate Symmetry
  • Circular Convolution


Thank you so much , it was a very intersting question and i really enjoyed answer it :D

If you futher doubts or questions do let me know.

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