Genetic rescue-Definition
- Genetic rescue is a conservation strategy by which genes from
one population to another is transferred to increase the overall
genetic diversity of the species as well as to minimise inbreeding
- It happens either naturally or is administered in certain
species especially those which are facing risk of extinction
(NB: Inbreeding means breeding
close relatives due to smaller population size of the species.
Inbreeding depression is reduced biological fitness which happens
due to inbreeding)
example of genetic
rescue for the conservation of a species - Florida
- 1995--> lesser than 30 Florida panthers lived in the
- Since it was a very small population --> inbreeding
depression --> irregular physical traits, declined fertilty
- In order to save the species from being extinct --> female
Texas cougars were transfeered to Florida
- Mating between cougars and panthers --> speedier growth of
population, fitness improved
- This saved the panthers , improved its survival.
Optimal foraging theory (OFT)
- This theory helps us understand and predict foraging behaviour
of an animal species.
- To improve its fitness,particular animal species adopts certain
foraging strategy which benefits it by increasing its net energy
(NB:Foraging-the term for the
process by which animals obtain food)
Assumption used in this
The best economic foraging pattern shall be selected for a
species by natural selection.
Centrarchid fishes (OFT)
- Researches were carried out to determine the strategy used by
the centrarchid fish in foraging.
- Studies showed that, centrarchid fishes selected their
technique by an energy optimization strategy.
- Evidence:
Analysis of the prey species types and sizes that were found in
their stomach and the types of species that were present in the
- This evidence proved that, the fish avoided preys that had high
evasion capabilities.