Question 1
If "P v Q" is false, then what can you say about the truth
value of P?
A.P is true
B.P is false.
C.P can be true or false.
Question 2
If ( P v Q ) is true, then what can you say about the truth
value of P
A.P is true.
B.P can be true or false.
Question 3
If ( P · Q ) is false, then what can you say about the truth
value of P?
A. P is false.
B. P can be true or false.
Question 4
If “~ X” is true, then what is X?
X is true
B. X is false
C. X could be true or false
Question 5
If “X v Y” is false, then can one of the disjuncts be
A. yes
B. No
Question 6
If “X ⊃ Y” is false, then which of the following is
1.Y is true
2.Y is false
3.Y could be true or false
Question 7
If “X ≡ Y” is false, then which of the following is
1.Y is true
2.Y is false
3.Y could be true or false
Question 8
If “X v Y” is true, and X is true, does this mean that Y is
Question 9
If “X • Y” is true, then which of the following is
A. Y is true
B . Y is false
C. Y could be true or false
Question 10
If “X • Y” is false, then which of the following is
A. X is true
B. X is false
C. X could be true or false.