In: Civil Engineering
Marijuana is a greenish-gray mixture of the dried flowers of Cannabis sativa .Marijuana is also called weed, herb, pot, grass, bud, ganja, Mary Jane, and a vast number of other slang terms. Legalization is the process of removing a legal prohibition against something which is currently not legal. It means permit people or farmers for Marijuana cultivation and also allow to use and sell in proper manner .For every new practice in laws will gives rise to advantage as well as disadvantage on the basis of your concern and how far you are from its uses. In this Legalization of Marijuana also has same negative as well as positive impact on social.
SO let’s move on the people who will be beneficial from that laws :-
But Legalization of Marijuana has various harmful as well as negative impact on the people and society . As we know society is the combination or union of people living together . In society if you are farming or cultivating Marijuana or you are the users of the Marijuana , it make effect on others directly and indirectly . Let’s talk about the impact of Marijuana on 10-15 years of child . It is the learning stage of the child, isn’t it? But if you are Legalized Marijuana he/she will be interested on take test on it and it will direct the future of child towards dark.
Not on profit Government should concern about the health and life of people . So Marijuana Legalization will destroy people and their willingness .So we people as well as Government should think about it and by taking serious study of impact of it . Instead of being some benefits lots of negative impact come across my mind so I suggest and vote to discard Marijuana Legalization and make strong and acceptable rules and regulation on it.
Suggestion :- According to my knowledge and experience on writing about any topic , to understand and prove your point you have to go through positive as well as negative impact of it. So to prove Marijuana Legalization is not a good i discuss about positive aspect of it as well and this help me to compare with negative impact and conclude with my strong point. So i include positive impact also . Thank you ........