
In: Computer Science

Objectives: 1. using indirect addressing 2. passing parameters 3. generating “random” numbers 4. working with arrays...

1. using indirect addressing
2. passing parameters
3. generating “random” numbers
4. working with arrays

Write and test a MASM (assembly language) program to perform the following tasks:
1. Introduce the program.
2. Get a user request in the range [min = 10 .. max = 200].
3. Generate request random integers in the range [lo = 100 .. hi = 999], storing them in consecutive elements of an array.
4. Display the list of integers before sorting, 10 numbers per line.
5. Sort the list in descending order (i.e., largest first).
6. Calculate and display the median value, rounded to the nearest integer.
7. Display the sorted list, 10 numbers per line.

1. The title, programmer's name, and brief instructions must be displayed on the screen.
2. The program must validate the user’s request.
3. min, max, lo, and hi must be declared and used as global constants. Strings may be declared as global variables or constants.
4. The program must be constructed using procedures. At least the following procedures are required:
A. main
B. introduction
C. get data {parameters: request (reference)}
D. fill array {parameters: request (value), array (reference)}
E. sort list {parameters: array (reference), request (value)}
i. exchange elements (for most sorting algorithms): {parameters: array[i] (reference), array[j] (reference), where i and j are the indexes of elements to be exchanged}
F. display median {parameters: array (reference), request (value)}
G. display list {parameters: array (reference), request (value), title (reference)}
5. Parameters must be passed by value or by reference on the system stack as noted above.
6. There must be just one procedure to display the list. This procedure must be called twice: once to display the unsorted list, and once to display the sorted list.
7. Procedures (except main) should not reference .data segment variables by name. request, array, and titles for the sorted/unsorted lists should be declared in the .data segment, but procedures must use them as parameters. Procedures may use local variables when appropriate. Global constants are OK.
8. The program must use appropriate addressing modes for array elements.
9. The two lists must be identified when they are displayed (use the title parameter for the display procedure).
10. The program must be fully documented. This includes a complete header block for the program and for each procedure, and a comment outline to explain each section of code.
11. The code and the output must be well-formatted.
12. Submit your text code file (.asm) to Canvas by the due date.

Extra Credit (Be sure to describe your extras in the program header block):
1. Display the numbers ordered by column instead of by row.
2. Use a recursive sorting algorithm (e.g., Merge Sort, Quick Sort, Heap Sort, etc.).
3. Implement the program using floating-point numbers and the floating-point processor.
4. Generate the numbers into a file; then read the file into the array.
5. Others?
To ensure you receive credit for any extra credit options you did, you must add one print statement to your program output PER EXTRA CREDIT which describes the extra credit you chose to work on. You will not receive extra credit points unless you do this. The statement must be formatted as follows...
--Program Intro--
--Program prompts, etc—
1. The Irvine library provides procedures for generating random numbers. Call Randomize once at the beginning of the program (to set up so you don't get the same sequence every time), and call RandomRange to get a pseudo-random number. (See the documentation in Lecture slides.)
2. The Selection Sort is probably the easiest sorting algorithm to implement. Here is a version of the descending order algorithm, where request is the number of array elements being sorted, and exchange is the code to exchange two elements of array:
for(k=0; k<request-1; k++) {
i = k;
for(j=k+1; j<request; j++) {
if(array[j] > array[i])
i = j;
exchange(array[k], array[i]);
3. The median is calculated after the array is sorted. It is the "middle" element of the sorted list. If the number of elements is even, the median is the average of the middle two elements (may be rounded).
Example (user input is in italics):
Sorting Random Integers Programmed by Road Runner
This program generates random numbers in the range [100 .. 999],
displays the original list, sorts the list, and calculates the
median value. Finally, it displays the list sorted in descending order.
How many numbers should be generated? [10 .. 200]: 9
Invalid input
How many numbers should be generated? [10 .. 200]: 16
The unsorted random numbers:
680 329 279 846 123 101 427 913 255 736
431 545 984 391 626 803
The median is 488.
The sorted list:
984 913 846 803 736 680 626 545 431 427
391 329 279 255 123 101


Expert Solution


Note: In case of any queries, just comment in box I would be very happy to assist all your queries

TITLE Sorting Random Integers     (ass_5.asm)


;min and max range of the number of random integers to generate
MIN = 10
MAX = 200

;low and high range of random integers to generate
LO = 100
HI = 999

intro1           BYTE   "Welcome to Sorting Random Integers! My name is Frank Eslami.", 0
intro2           BYTE   "This program generates random numbers in the range [100 .. 999], displays the original list,"
               BYTE   " sorts the list, and calculates the median value. Finally, it displays the list sorted in descending order.", 0
promptUser       BYTE   "How many numbers should be generated? ", 0
invalidInt       BYTE   "Invalid input", 0
arrTitle1       BYTE   "The unsorted random numbers:", 0
arrTitle2       BYTE   "The sorted list:", 0
arrForm1       BYTE   "     ", 0   ;5 spacing between elements
arrForm2       DWORD   1           ;elements per line counter
unsortedMess   BYTE   "The unsorted random numbers:", 0  
medianMess       BYTE   "The median is: ", 0

userGenInput   DWORD   ?   ;stores random numbers to be generated
randArr           DWORD   MAX DUP(?)   ;reserve space for random numbers generated up to the max allowed
randArrSize       DWORD   ?            ;size of array (filled elements)
range           DWORD   ?            ;range of random numbers to generate

;********************* START Procedure Definitions *********************

;Title: intro
;Description: introduce the program and programmer
;Receives: none
;Returns: none
;Registers changed: none

intro PROC
   mov       edx, OFFSET intro1                       ;introduce programmer and program title.
   call   WriteString
   call   CrLf
   call   CrLf
   mov       edx, OFFSET intro2                       ;introduce program
   call   WriteString
   call   CrLf
   call   CrLf
intro ENDP

;Description: obtain & validate user's input for the number of random numbers to generate
;Receives: @userGenInput, @promptUser, @invalidInt
;Returns: [userGenInput] = int in range of [10, 200]
;Precondition: global userGenInput declared, promptUser & invalidInt initialized
;Registers changed: none

numsToGen PROC
   push   ebp                                       ;save old ebp
   mov       ebp, esp                  
   ;Prompt user for the number of random numbers to be generated
   mov       edx, [ebp+16]                           ;prompt user for input
   call   WriteString
   call   ReadInt                                   ;obtain integer from user
   mov       [ebp+8], eax                           ;store input in global userGenInput
   call   CrLf

   ;Validate user's input to be in the range [10, 200]
   cmp       eax, min                               ;compare user's input to min range allowed
   jl       InvalidInput                           ;if user's input < min input is invalid
   cmp       eax, max                               ;compare user's input to max range allowed
   jg       InvalidInput                           ;if user's input > max input is invalid
   jmp       Valid                                   ;input is valid

   mov       edx, [ebp+12]                           ;warn user of invalid input
   call   WriteString
   call   CrLF
   jmp       ObtainInput                               ;obtain new input

   mov       userGenInput, eax                       ;store user's input
   pop       ebp                                       ;restore old ebp
   ret       12                                       ;pop EBP+8
numsToGen ENDP

;Description: generate random integers and store them in an array
;Receives: global userGenInput
;Returns: randArray of size userGenInput of random integers in range [100, 999]
;Precondition: int userGenInput in range of [10, 200]
;Precondition2: randArray declared to MAX capacity
;Registers changed: none

GenRandNums PROC
   push   ebp                                       ;save old ebp
   mov       ebp, esp

   ;Calculate range [LO, HI]
   mov       eax, HI                                   ;high range
   sub       eax, LO                                   ;HI - LO
   inc       eax                                       ;eax + 1
   mov       ebx, [ebp+20]                           ;address of range
   mov       [ebx], eax                               ;store range

   ;Generate random numbers and store them in array
   mov       ecx, [ebp+16]                           ;set loop counter to user's input
   mov       esi, [ebp+12]                           ;1st element of global array
   mov       ebx, [ebp+20]                           ;global range variable address
   mov       eax, [ebx]                               ;global range variable value
   call   RandomRange                               ;generate random number based on global range
   add       eax, LO                                   ;adjust random generator for min value

   ;Store random number in array
   mov       [esi], eax                               ;store random integer in current array index
   add       esi, 4                                   ;add 4 bytes to current array index for next index

   ;Increment array size by 1
   mov       ebx, [ebp+8]                           ;size of array
   mov       eax, 1                                  
   add       [ebx], eax                               ;increment array size by 1

   loop   Generate                               ;obtain & store more random numbers

   pop       ebp                                       ;restore old ebp
   ret       16
GenRandNums ENDP

;Description: display array elements
;Receives: @arrTitle, @randArr, randArrSize
;Returns: displays array's title with its elements, 10 per line
;Precondition: @arrTitle, @randArr, randArrSize have been inititalized
;Registers changed: none

DisplayArr PROC
   push   ebp                                       ;save old ebp
   mov       ebp, esp

   ;Display array's title
   mov       edx, [ebp+16]                           ;array's title
   call   WriteString                  
   call   CrLf  

   ;Display array
   mov       ecx, [ebp+8]                           ;number of elements in array
   mov       esi, [ebp+12]                           ;array
   mov       eax, [esi]                               ;current array element
   call   WriteDec

   ;Format array output
   mov       edx, OFFSET arrForm1                   ;5 spaces between elements
   call   WriteString
   mov       eax, arrForm2                           ;number of elements per line counter
   mov       ebx, 10
   mov       edx, 0
   div       ebx
   cmp       edx, 0
   jne       SameLine
   call   CrLf
   add       esi, 4                                   ;add 4 bytes to current array element for next element
   inc       arrForm2                               ;increment line counter by 1
   loop   More                                   ;display more elements

   call   CrLF
   pop       ebp                                       ;restore old ebp
   ret       12
DisplayArr ENDP

;Description: sort array
;Receives: @arrTitle, @randArr, randArrSize
;Returns: displays sorted array
;Precondition: the parameters received must be initialized
;Registers changed: none

   push   ebp
   mov       ebp, esp
   mov       ecx, [ebp+8]                           ;size of array (filled elements)
   mov       esi, [ebp+12]                           ;array's current element
   mov       edx, ecx
   mov       eax, [esi]
   mov       ebx, [esi+4]
   cmp       ebx, eax
   jle       L3                                       ;if current element <= next element
   mov       [esi], ebx                               ;swap elements since current element > next element
   mov       [esi+4], eax

   add       esi, 4
   loop   L2
   mov       ecx, edx
   loop   L1

   pop       ebp
   ret       8


;Description: calculate the median
;Receives: @medianMess, @randArr, randArrsize
;Returns: median
;Precondition: @randArr must be sorted. Remaining parameters must be initialized
;Registers changed: none

Median PROC
   push   ebp                                       ;save old ebp
   mov       ebp, esp

   ;Determine whether the number of elements are even or odd
   mov       eax, [ebp + 8]                           ;array size
   mov       edx, 0                                   ;set to 0 for remainder
   mov       ebx, 2
   div       ebx
   cmp       edx, 0
   je       IsEven                                   ;array size is even

   ;Array size is odd
   inc       eax                                       ;add 1 to quatient to get median
   jmp       Display

   mov       ebx, eax                              
   inc       ebx                                       ;ebx = eax + 1
   add       eax, ebx                              
   mov       ebx, 2
   div       ebx                                       ;note that the instructions said this "may be rounded." I assumed it was optional.
   jmp       Display

   mov       edx, OFFSET medianMess                   ;median message
   call   WriteString
   call   WriteDec
   call   CrLf

   pop       ebp                                       ;restore old ebp
   ret       12
Median ENDP

;********************* END Procedure Definitions *********************

main PROC
   call       Randomize               ;create seed for RandomRange procedure
   call       intro                   ;introduce program and obtain user's input

   ;Obtain & validate user's input for the number of random numbers to generate
   push       OFFSET promptUser       ;pass string argument to prompt user for input
   push       OFFSET invalidInt       ;pass string argument to warn for invalid input
   push       OFFSET userGenInput       ;pass argument to store user's input
   call       numsToGen               ;procedure to validate & store user's input

   ;Generate random numbers and store them in an array
   push       OFFSET range           ;pass argument for range of random numbers to generate
   push       userGenInput           ;pass argument for random numbers to generate
   push       OFFSET randArr           ;pass argument for array to store random numbers
   push       OFFSET randArrSize       ;pass argument for array's size (number of filled elements)
   call       GenRandNums               ;procedure to generate & store random numbers in an array

   ;Display unsorted random numbers to user
   push       OFFSET arrTitle1       ;title of array
   push       OFFSET randArr           ;1st element of array
   push       randArrSize               ;array size (filled elements)
   call       DisplayArr               ;call procedure to display array elements

   ;Sort unsorted array
   push       OFFSET randArr           ;1st element of array
   push       randArrSize               ;array size (filled elements)
   call       Sort                   ;call procedure to sort array      

   ;Display sorted random numbers to user
   push       OFFSET arrTitle2       ;title of array
   push       OFFSET randArr           ;1st element of array
   push       randArrSize               ;array size (filled elements)
   call       DisplayArr               ;call procedure to display array elements

   ;Display Median
   push       OFFSET medianMess       ;median message
   push       OFFSET randArr           ;1st element of array
   push       randArrSize               ;array size (filled elements)
   call       Median                   ;call procedure to display median

   exit   ; exit to operating system
main ENDP

; (insert additional procedures here)

END main

Kindly revert for any queries


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