
In: Computer Science

Current Assignment: **It is important to note that we are learning about Composition right now.** Now...

Current Assignment:

**It is important to note that we are learning about Composition right now.**

Now that we have the CourseType class (included courseType code below instructions) we want to create another "collection" class to hold more than one. This way we can add one class to the StudentType and have a full list of courses. There are many (better) ways we could structure this collection, but for now we're going to use a static array:

  • Create a new class named CourseListType that contains an array of CourseTypes as its private data. (You can limit the size to something reasonable, like 50 courses.) You'll also want to add some basic public functions like print and AddCourse.
  • Make sure you test your new CourseListType class by declaring an object and testing at least it's constructor.
  • The courseListType does not need to be complex. It can be a simple program

Submit: Commented test, implementation and header files (.cpp and .h) for new CourseListType.

My courseType header file:

#include <iostream>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

class courseType {

courseType(int, string);

int getCourseID();
string getCourseName();

void setCourseID(int);
void setCourseName(string);

void printCourse();

int courseID;
string courseName;



My courseType Implementation file:

#include "courseType.h"
#include <string>

using namespace std;

courseType::courseType(int id, string name) {
this-> courseID = id;
this-> courseName = name;

int courseType::getCourseID() {
return courseID;

string courseType::getCourseName() {
return courseName;

void courseType::setCourseID(int id) {
courseID = id;

void courseType::setCourseName (string name) {
courseName = name;

void courseType::printCourse() {
cout << "Course ID: " << getCourseID() << endl;
cout << "Course Name: " << getCourseName() << endl;

courseType test program

#include "courseType.h"
#include <string>
#include <vector>

using namespace std;

int main() {

courseType c1(101, "English");
courseType c2(102, "Mathematics");
courseType c3(103, "Oceanography");

vector <courseType> courses;


for(int i = 0; i < courses.size(); i++) {
cout << "======================================" << endl;
cout << "\t COURSE #" << (i+1) << " DETAILS " << endl;
cout << "======================================" << endl;;
cout << endl;
return 0;


Expert Solution

// courseType.h

#include <iostream>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

class courseType {

// Add a default constructor in the courseType class so that static array of courses can be created(as static array will call default constructor of courseType for all its entries)
courseType(int, string);
int getCourseID();
string getCourseName();

void setCourseID(int);
void setCourseName(string);

void printCourse();

int courseID;
string courseName;



// end of courseType.h

#include "courseType.h"

// default constructor that sets courseID and courseName to 0 and empty string respectively
courseID = 0;
courseName = "";

courseType::courseType(int id, string name) {
this-> courseID = id;
this-> courseName = name;

int courseType::getCourseID() {
return courseID;

string courseType::getCourseName() {
return courseName;

void courseType::setCourseID(int id) {
courseID = id;

void courseType::setCourseName (string name) {
courseName = name;

void courseType::printCourse() {
cout << "Course ID: " << getCourseID() << endl;
cout << "Course Name: " << getCourseName() << endl;

// end of courseType.cpp

// courseListType.h

#include "courseType.h"

class courseListType
void addCourse(courseType course);
void printCourseList();

int numCourses; // current number of courses in the list
courseType courses[50]; // static array of maximum 50 courses


//end of courseListType.h

// courseListType.cpp

#include "courseListType.h"

// default constructor that creates an empty list
numCourses = 0;

// function to add course to list
void courseListType:: addCourse(courseType course)
if(numCourses < 50) // array is not full, add course at the end of list
courses[numCourses] = course;

// function to display the courses in the list
void courseListType:: printCourseList()
if(numCourses == 0) // empty list
cout<<"There are no courses in the list"<<endl;
for(int i=0;i<numCourses;i++){

// end of courseListType.cpp

// courseListTypeTest.cpp : C++ program to test the courseListType class
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include "courseListType.h"

int main()
courseListType list;
list.addCourse(courseType(101, "English"));
list.addCourse(courseType(102, "Mathematics"));
list.addCourse(courseType(103, "Oceanography"));

   return 0;

// end of courseListTypeTest.cpp


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