
In: Statistics and Probability

Hypothesis Tests for Population Mean ( Unknown) (Using P- Value) The faculty at a large university...

Hypothesis Tests for Population Mean ( Unknown)

(Using P- Value) The faculty at a large university are irritated by students' cell phones. They have been complaining for the past few years that a cell phone rings in each class at least 15.0 times per semester (which is about once a week). A reporter for the school newspaper claims that students are more courteous with their cell phone now than in past semesters, and that the mean is now lower than 15.0 cell phone disruptions per semester. The reporter asks instructors to keep track of the number of times a cell phone rings in a simple random of 12 different classes one semester. The sample mean is 14.8 class with a standard deviation of 1.2 calls. Does the evidence support the reporter's claim at the 0.10 level of significance?


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