
In: Psychology

13. Ralf is a 9 year-old boy; he was scared by sound of a thunderstorm in...

13. Ralf is a 9 year-old boy; he was scared by sound of a thunderstorm in 2010. Nobody was injured and no destruction took place. How likely it is that Ralf, because of this incident, would develop PTSD later in life? a. very likely b. somewhat likely c. very unlikely d. almost certainly, he has already developed a stress-related disorder 14. Delusion of communication was discussed in class. What is it? a. it is another name for hallucinations b. beliefs that all journalists are demons c. beliefs in being a communication major d. beliefs in being connected to other people, God, or the Devil e. beliefs about knowing many languages 15. Echolalia or echopraxia are symptoms that are common features of: a. PTSD b. Autism c. Bipolar Disorder d. delusion of reference e. catatonia 16. What are most typical psychological symptoms that accompany acculturative stress? a. hallucinations and delusions b. sleep disturbances caused by eating problems and sudden weight loss c. violent acts against relatives and friends d. anger, anxiety, depressive symptoms, and low self-esteem e. sleep disturbances, guilty feelings, and beliefs in own power, and ability to dominate other people 17. Why don’t most professionals such as firefighters and doctors working in emergency rooms develop symptoms of PTSD? a. because they take medication in the morning b. because they take special medication once a week c. because they are on therapy d. because they typically don’t experience intense fear when witnessing traumas e. because they have a genetic resistance to stress and fear 18. Symptoms such as failure to make eye contact, social withdrawal, lack of spoken language, and repetitive behaviors are among major symptoms of which disorder? a. PTSD b. ADD c. ADHD d. Tourette’s Disorder e. Autistic Disorder 19. What is the third group of symptoms typically identified in Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder? (The first one is Inattention, the second is Hyperactivity) a. excessive anxiety b. hallucinations c. motor tics d. obsessions and compulsions e. impulsivity 20. A person witnesses a traumatic event but does not develop symptoms of Stress Disorder. How common is this? a. this is very unusual: the person must develop a stress disorder b. this is unusual: most people develop a stress disorder under these circumstances c. this is common: most people in such circumstances don’t develop a stress disorder d. this is common but only in men e. women almost always develop a stress disorder in such circumstances 21. People who develop schizophrenia fall under the rule of “three thirds”. What is this rule? a. the rule explains that why women are not diagnosed with this illness b. the rule explains the negative symptoms of this illness c. the rule explains the positive symptoms of this illness d. the rule predicts how many people would likely to recover from illness e. the rule explains that why children are not diagnosed with this illness


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  • 13. very unlikely;since PTSD happens in those people who suffer from a trauma due to some natural disaster.PTSD is a disorder that develops in some people who have experienced a shocking, scary, or dangerous event.Trauma survivors who have PTSD may have trouble with their close family relationships or friendships. Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), once called shell shock or battle fatigue syndrome, is a serious condition that can develop after a person has experienced or witnessed a traumatic or terrifying event in which serious physical harm occurred or was threatened.
  • 14.Delusion of communication is another name for hallucinations.In other words, delusions of communication appear to involve reality discrimination errors similar to those found in hallucinations, except that in delusions of communication what is 'hallucinated' is not a verbal but a non-verbal communication.
  • 15.Catatonia ;The involuntary imitation of the movements of another person. Echopraxia is a feature of schizophrenia (especially the catatonic form), Tourette syndrome, and some other neurologic diseases. Echolalia is mimicking sounds.
  • 16.anger, anxiety, depressive symptoms, and low self-esteem;Past research has linked acculturative stress to internalizing symptoms such as depression, anxiety, and somatic symptoms, and suggests that immigrant youth are overly susceptible to these outcomes.
  • Due to time constraints,only some questions could be answered,the remaining can be asked as another question,they will be answered,thankyou for your cooperation

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