
In: Statistics and Probability

What is the smallest your IQ score can be so that you are among the smartest...

What is the smallest your IQ score can be so that you are among the smartest 1% of the population with a mean of 100 and a standard deviation of 15?

A random sample of 25IQ scores is selected. Find the probability that the mean of the sample is between 90 and 110?

A random sample of 100 IQ scores is selected. Find the probability that the sample mean is less than 85%. Find k.


Expert Solution



= 100, = 15

We convert this to standard normal as

P( X < x) = P( Z < x - / )

We have to calculate x such that

P( X > x) = 0.01

P( X < x) = 0.99

That is

P( Z < x - / ) = 0.99

From the Z table , z-score for the probability of 0.01 is 2.3263

  x - / = 2.3263

x - 100 / 15 = 2.3263

Solve for x

x = 134.8945


Using central limit theorem,

P( < x) = P( Z < x - / / sqrt(n) )


P(90 < < 110) = P( < 110) - P( < 90)

= P( Z < 110 - 100 / 15 / sqrt(25) ) - P( Z < 90 - 100 / 15 / sqrt(25) )

= P( Z < 3.3333) - P( Z < -3.3333)

= 0.9991

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