- data given-
- the minimum target compressive strength
- we will use the normal distribution for 95% guarantee
strength to set the compressive strength range by
using z-value for 95%=(1.96) .
- lower limit = mean
compressive strength - z*σ.
- upper limit = mean compressive strength
+ z*σ.
- where σ = 600psi.
- minimum copressive strength = 5000psi =lower
- and lower limit= mean
compressive strength - z*σ.

i.e cocrete mixture has mean compressive strength higher
than 5500 psi and hence it is not cost effective.
- to produce the cost effiective concrete with 95%
guarentee strength we should alter the
target minimum strength coressponding to mean compressive
strength of 5500 psi as following.
- so target minimum compressive strength = mean compressive strength -
- here mean compressive
strength = 5500psi
- z=
- σ
- minimum compressive
strength= 5500-1.96*600 = 4324 psi
- so target minimum compressive strength = 4324
the 2 nd thing we can do alter the process
variability and hence the value of standard deviation as follows if
we want to keep the target minimum strength of 5000

in this way by improving
process variability or target minimum strenth we can produce cost
effective concrete.