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Need a paper on depressive Disorder with a cover page and reference from Harvard

Need a paper on depressive Disorder with a cover page and reference from Harvard


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Depressive Disorder is a mental illnes that can affect the physical health, mood and thinking capasity. It may hampers our daily life and other functions.People who are affeted by depressive disorder cant get well without any professional treatment. A professional psychotherapy treatment can helps to get rid from this kind of mental illness.

Types of Depressive Disorder

DSM-IV stated that Depressive disorder has 3 different types.

1)Unipolar Depressive Disorder

2) Bipolar Depressive Disorder

3) Major Depressive Disorder

Unipolar Depressive Disorder

The word ''Depression'' refers to negative mood and changes in behavior. Some mood fluctuation is normal but a stable negative mood is considered as the symptom of ''Depression''. In this Mood depression people loss all the interests and pleasure feeling day by day.(Snyder, 2013.)


  • Difficulty in sleep
  • Iregular activity
  • Sudden Weight Loss
  • Feeling of Guilty
  • Lack of Concentration
  • Suddent thinking of death or tendency to commiting Suicide

Bipolar Depressive Disorder

Manic and Depression are the main symptoms of this mental illness.Bipolar Depressive Disorder is also known as'' Manic Depressive Disorder''.The major symptom of the Bipolar Depressive Disorder is Extreme fluctuation in mood.(Bora, et. al. 2012. )

People who are suffering from Bipolar Depressive Disorder, can have the problems in regular normal life. There are many kinds of treatments are available in the branch of psychotherapy. Patients are not able to do their own treatment in this kind of cases. (Davidson, 2010)

According to a research in UK, it can be stated that 7 milion people are suffering from this mental illness.

A patient of Bipolar Depressive Disorder always goes under two different moods. One is the Depressive mood and another is the Manic mood. According to some studies, Creative people suffers more for this kind of mental illnes.


  • Main symptoms of this disorder are Hypomania and Depression
  • Sadness without a valid reason
  • Drug uses
  • Lack of Confidence and energy
  • Lack of Interest in any kinds of Activity
  • Tendency to commit Suicide
  • Difficulty in Sleep

Major Depressive Disorder

Major Depressive disorder is also considered as clinical Disorder. people who suffers from Major Depressive Disorder loss interests in their favourite activity.In this depressive state people feels a major kind of sadness. Some people even avoids to interact with others. People who suffers from this kind of depression, are not able to live a happy life. Sadness becomes a part of their daily life.(Piet and Hougaard, 2011.)


  • Lack of energy or motivations
  • Feeling of Restlessness
  • Sudden Weight Loss
  • Lack of confidence while making a decision
  • Lack of Interest in the favourite Activity
  • A permanent feeling of sadness.

Causes of Depressive Disorder

?Traumatic Experience- Previous Experience of sexual harrasment of a child can influence her or his to become a patient of depression for the rest of the life.

A study in United Kingdom Stated that, 50% people who are suffering from depression have a traumatic experience in their past life.

Sudden Death- Sudden death incedents of parent, Wife, child can leads to the Depression. This kind of Depression is curable by the help of professional psychologists.

Biological Causes- Some Neurotransmitter Such as Serotonin has a great impact on the biological functioning of the brain.This Neurotransmitter is also considered as the cause of the Depression.Not only that Heredity is also a major influence in the Depressive Disorder. If someone's parent had the depressional problems then He or she also can be a depressional Patient.

Environment- Environment also has a great influence in Depressive Disorder. If a child has grown up in a healthy environment then it will also help the child to have a healthy mental life.


After discussing all the factors of Depressive Disorder it can be stated that, Depressive Disorder is the most common psychological problem in nowadays. People are suffering a lot from this kind of mental Illness. But According to some Professional Psychologists, It is not early Curable but patients could have a better life by the professional treatment of psychotherapy.


Ripke, S., Wray, N.R., Lewis, C.M., Hamilton, S.P., Weissman, M.M., Breen, G., Byrne, E.M., Blackwood, D.H., Boomsma, D.I., Cichon, S. and Heath, A.C., 2013. A mega-analysis of genome-wide association studies for major depressive disorder. Molecular psychiatry, 18(4), p.497.

Piet, J. and Hougaard, E., 2011. The effect of mindfulness-based cognitive therapy for prevention of relapse in recurrent major depressive disorder: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Clinical psychology review, 31(6), pp.1032-1040.

Kupfer, D.J., Frank, E. and Phillips, M.L., 2012. Major depressive disorder: new clinical, neurobiological, and treatment perspectives. The Lancet, 379(9820), pp.1045-1055.

Zhang, J., Wang, J., Wu, Q., Kuang, W., Huang, X., He, Y. and Gong, Q., 2011. Disrupted brain connectivity networks in drug-naive, first-episode major depressive disorder. Biological psychiatry, 70(4), pp.334-342.

Snyder, H.R., 2013. Major depressive disorder is associated with broad impairments on neuropsychological measures of executive function: a meta-analysis and review. Psychological bulletin, 139(1), p.81.

Bora, E., Fornito, A., Pantelis, C. and Yücel, M., 2012. Gray matter abnormalities in major depressive disorder: a meta-analysis of voxel based morphometry studies. Journal of affective disorders, 138(1), pp.9-18.

Davidson, J.R., 2010. Major depressive disorder treatment guidelines in America and Europe. The Journal of clinical psychiatry, 71, pp.e04-e04.

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