
In: Operations Management

Find a story in the USA news in the past year that was partially or fully...

Find a story in the USA news in the past year that was partially or fully retracted or corrected after it was discovered that the field research was not done properly. Explain what was done incorrectly that led to the error, and what steps should have been taken in order to avoid the issue. Be sure to include the news story in your submission.


Expert Solution

The news article published in USA Today which was corrected was related to Destiny Child's reunion in the Coachella. The article originally mentioned the previous date of reunion incorrectly while the recent data of their reunion was in 2013 during the Super Bowl half time show.

The things whcih led to the error were:-
1. Insufficient amount of desktop research to corroborate the recent reunion date.
2. Editor or other supervisory review lacking in rigor.
3. Sourcing information from unreliable sources.

The error could have been prevented by doing the following:-
1. Verfiying the information from reliable sources.
2. Using multiple sources to cross validate the information.
3. Having a structured review process in place to review factual data and information.

The news article:

Headline: Beyoncé brings Destiny's Child back at Coachella, and the Internet wasn't ready for it

Written by:Eli Blumenthal,

Published at: USA TODAY on April 15, 2018 and Updated on April 17, 2018

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