1. Explain how each spectroscopy (IR, Mass spec, and NMR)
method works- what are you observing? What is happening to the
molecule that gives rise to useful information.
2. Explain how to read each: IR, NMR, mass spec.
3. Why are -OH and -NH signals in both proton NMR and the IR
region relatively broad in appearance? Explain how the appearance
of the -OH stretch would change in the IR spectrum of an alcohol
was take in the gas phase...
In 19F NMR spectroscopy, the F nuclei behave just
like protons in 1H NMR spectroscopy in that they have a
nuclear spin quantum number of 1/2. How many 19F NMR
resonances do you expect for PF5? (Assume a static
structure. In other words, the axial and equatorial do NOT rapidly
scramble and change positions on the timescale of the NMR
NMR Spectroscopy Question
Given the compound:
And the information of the Hydrogen and Carbon NMR
1H: 10.1, doublet, 1; 7.2, singlet, 1; 2.4, quartet,
1; 1.5, quint, 2; 1.2, t, 3
13C: 199, 130, 125, 31, 23, 20
1. Calculate degree on unsaturation
2. Draw 1H and 13C NMRs. Assign a fragment to each peak and
justify your choice using tools such as the N+1 rule
3. Draw a structure of your unknown
4. If there is more...
Explain the proper techniques for cleaning the NMR tubes.
Explain NMR and IR spectroscopy and what can be gained from both
individually to analyze an unknown sample. Explain and show
2. Use either a shift in demand OR a shift in supply (not both)
to GRAPHICALLY represent each of the following situations. Also,
label the graphs correctly and indicate the changes in equilibrium
in each case.
a) The avocado market: Widely publicized studies on the health
benefits of avocado consumption.
b) Crude oil market: Interruption of world supplies as a result of
the war in the Middle East.
c) Orange Juice Market: Increased imports of orange juice from
an NMR(Nuclear Magnetic Resonance) Spectroscopy (proton NMR),
1.What is meant by chemically equivalent protons?
2.What is meant by chemical shift proton?
3.How can you tell whether two protons are chemically
4. Difference between enantiotopic, diastereotopic, and
homotopic protons?