
In: Biology

a. What is heterozygote advantage? b. How does heterozygote advantage lead to maintenance of genetic variation?

a. What is heterozygote advantage?  

b. How does heterozygote advantage lead to maintenance of genetic variation?


Expert Solution


A. heterozygote advantage:-

In a small number of cases, humans do show a heterozygote advantage, in which the fitness of the heterozygote is superior to either homozygote. The best known example is the β-hemoglobin locus and its relationship to sickle cell disease. Adult hemoglobin is composed of four polypeptides: two α chains and two β chains, coded for by different genes. The β chain is a sequence of 146 amino acids, with glutamic acid in position 6. This normal hemoglobin is referred to as type A. In sickle cell disease, a mutation causes glutamic acid to be replaced by valine at position 6 and is referred to as hemoglobin S. Individuals who are homozygous for the S allele (SS) have sickle cell disease. Untreated, this condition is lethal, and affected individuals do not survive to be old enough to have offspring.
If there were no selective advantage to the recessive allele, we would expect it to slowly be removed from the gene pool, and the frequency of individuals with sickle cell disease should approximate the mutation rate of the normal A allele to the S allele, which is extremely rare. The disease, however, is relatively common in western and central Africa, where the frequency of S allele can be over 15 percent. The reason for this high frequency is due to the heterozygote AS being resistant to the malarial parasitePlasmodium falciparum.Thus in areas where malaria is common, AS individuals, who possess one sickling allele, have an advantage over AA individuals, who possess none. Copies of the S allele are lost from the gene pool when they occur in individuals affected with sickle cell disease since they do not reproduce, but more copiesare created in the offspring of AS individualssince they are resistant to a severe parasitic disease, namely malaria. This advantage compensates for the loss of individuals with sickle cell disease, and therefore keeps the S gene at a relatively high frequency in western and central African populations. Other hemoglobin abnormalities, including hemoglobin C and E, also seem to have the same effect as sickle cell disease, though the effect is not as pronounced.Thalassemia is another hemoglobin disorder that causes severe anemia. There are two types, α and β, which are due to mutations at the α and β hemoglobin loci respectively. The disease has its highest frequency in areas bordered by the Mediterranean Sea, especially Sardinia, Greece, Cyprus, and Israel. Similar to sickle cell disease, the disorder is fatal at an early age and the heterozygotes are resistant to malaria


The impact ofheterozygote advantageto genetic variation in a population:-

because heterozygotes carry two different alleles, they increase the chances of those alleles appearing in thepopulation and maintaining variation.homozygotes only pass the same allele, asort of redundancy, if you will, in the population.

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