In: Computer Science
Below is an attempt to solve the producer-consumer problem. Is this a correct solution? If yes, what is achieved and how? If not, what is the problem? Explain your answer in either case. (Note: Assume no syntax or compilation errors. You’re asked about the concurrency logic/correctness and the use of semaphores for this.)
#define N
/* number of slots in the buffer */
semaphore mutex =
1; /*
controls access to critical */
semaphore empty =
N; /* counts
empty buffer slots */
semaphore full =
0; /* counts
full buffer slots */
void producer(void)
int item;
while (TRUE){
item = produce_item(); /* generate something to put in
buffer */
/* enter critical region */
/* decrement empty count */
insert_item(item); /* put new
item in buffer */
/* leave critical region */
/* increment count of full slots
void consumer(void)
int item;
while (TRUE){
/* enter critical region */
/* decrement full count */
item = remove_item(); /* take item from buffer */
/* increment count of empty slots */
/* leave critical region */
consume_item(item); /* do something with
the item */
This implementation can cause a deadlock. Here is how:
At time 0, empty is N, full is 0. Lets assume consumer is able to
get the mutex and enter the critical section first - this is likely
since the producer has to produce the first item. The sequence of
events is:
wait (&mutex) // the consumer waits on the mutex and gets in to
the critical section
wait (&full) // the consumer reaches here and is blocked since
full is 0, the producer has not produced anything yet
After a little while, the producer finishes producing and
wait (&mutex) // since the consumer is in the critical section,
the producer has to wait.
This will result in both waiting indefinitely, causing a deadlock. The consumer is waiting for an item to consume and the producer is waiting to get into the critical section, neither can move forward.
In order to correct this, use of only one semaphone (the mutex)
is adequate; update of shared variables (such as full and empty) is
inside the critical section and therefore it is guaranteed that
only one process will be accessing and / or updating