Describe the major prospecting methods and give examples of each
Describe the major prospecting methods and give examples of each
Expert Solution
Major sales prospecting methods are
Cold calling: eg. A sales person with a list of contact numbers
and names will be calling each number for prospects. It may also
inculde sending e-mailers and requires good planning to achieve
desired results
Seminars and webinars: eg. taking a live session in front of an
audience explaining the product and advantages for prospects or
recordinng a video of same in free time and running it online.
Social networking and referrals: eg. using websites like
facebook, linkedln, instagram etc. to engage the audience and build
business. Linkedln is widely used as referral platform for sales
Advertising: A number of companies participate in
advertisements for sales prospects. It can be of various types. eg.
google ads, Search engine marketing, facebook ads, direct mailers
with advertisements etc
Content marketing and SEO: A wide focus is given on Search
engine optimization while developing website content and pages. eg.
designing content such that it ranks high in google search results
is a strategy to get prospects
1. Describe major problems with CPI as an indicator inflation,
give examples of each.
2. What divergences arise between equilibrium quantity and
efficient quantity when (a) negative externalities and (b) positive
externalities are present? How might government correct these
divergences? Cite an example (other than the text examples) of an
external cost and an external benefit.
3. How is the labor force defined and who measures it? How is
the unemployment rate calculated? Does an increase in the
unemployment rate...
Describe four methods of sampling, and provide examples of each.
How could each of these methods be useful in some area of business?
Do you think any more method would be more valuable than others?
Why or why not?
Give examples of chemical methods of disinfection and the
advantages and disadvantages of each example, include alcohols,
Halogens, phenol and phenolics, biguanides, bisphenols and heavy
A-Compare each of the following Evaluation Approaches
(10 methods)
B-Give an example for each method (10 methods) in
evaluating school programs by the school leaders.
C- Finally which method out of the 10 do you prefer to
use in evaluating school programs, and why?
1 Cost-Benefit ,2 Cost-Effectiveness,3 black box
evaluation approach 4- objective-oriented approach 5- Goal-Free
Evaluation 6- Success Case Method 7- Expertise oriented evaluation
8-Case study assessment/ evaluation 9-Empowerment Evaluation 10 -
Prospective Evaluations.