
In: Computer Science

Provide a comprehensive set of test cases for the two programs below. Do not provide actual...

Provide a comprehensive set of test cases for the two programs below. Do not provide actual test data, but rather describe each test. For example, if one of the programs was to search an array, you might include test cases such as search an array that is in ascending order, search an empty array, search for an element not in the array, etc. a. The program described in Question 4.

Question 4 is

A text file called coit20245.txt consists of N lines each containing a name and a family name as follows. N is largest digit of your student id number. Example of coit20245.txt file: Daniel Atkinson Rob Jackson Brian Lara Write a main() method that reads the rows of coit20245.txt and counts the lines which starts with a first letter of your name. You are to provide class comments that describe what the application does. You are also to provide comments that describe what each significant block of code does.

Note:Java programming language


Expert Solution

/* sample data in coit20245.txt

Jack sparrow
Harry porter
Harmoiny Gringer
Albus Dumbledoor
Tony Stark
Peter Parker*/

//program for given task

//importing the scanner class to read file and input from the user
import java.util.Scanner;
//importing the File class for File reading object
//importing* as it contains all the exceptions ;
import*;//FileNotFoundException; will be in
//Scanner class will throws FileNotFoundException; while reading the content
//file object so we throws FileNotFoundException; at main funtion to skip the
//error showing while compilation and running of code
//creating the main class Name_Check
public class Name_check
   //defining the main method
   public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
       //creating the scanner object to take
       //name of user as input
       Scanner sc=new Scanner(;
       //asking the user to enter name of user
       System.out.print("enter your name:=");
       //taking the input from user
       //creating the File object to read the file coit20245.txt
       File file=new File("coit20245.txt");
       //now we will pass the instance of File above created to scanner
       //class to read the content of the file
       Scanner file_reader=new Scanner(file);
       //taking the first letter from the name we have taken from user
       char first_letter_from_name=name.charAt(0);
       //initilizing the count variable to count the no of lines starting
       //with first letter of our name
       int count=0;
       //now looping over the contents of file using while loop
       //file_reader.hasNextLine() will return true if file has next line
       //after reading some line
       while (file_reader.hasNextLine())
           String line=file_reader.nextLine();//reading the line from file
           //taking the first letter of the line to compare with first letter
           //taken from our name
           //checking the length of line if it has any character or onlu line
           if (line.length()>0)
               char first_letter_from_line=line.charAt(0);
               //comparing the first letter of name and line for checking
               //whether the line is starting with first letter of name or not
               if (first_letter_from_name==first_letter_from_line)
                   //if first letter of name==first letter of line count will increase


       //printing the total no of line that is staring with first letter of name
       System.out.println("No of lines staring with first letter of name:--> "+count);


/*output of above code

enter your name:=HArry

No of lines staring with first letter of name:--> 2


//code snippet

//importing the scanner class to read file and input from the user
import java.util.Scanner;
//importing the File class for File reading object
//importing* as it contains all the exceptions ;
import*;//FileNotFoundException; will be in
//Scanner class will throws FileNotFoundException; while reading the content 
//file object so we throws FileNotFoundException; at main funtion to skip the
//error showing while compilation and running of code
//creating the main class Name_Check
public class Name_check 
        //defining the main method
        public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
                //creating the scanner object to take 
                //name of user as input
                Scanner sc=new Scanner(;
                //asking the user to enter name of user
                System.out.print("enter your name:=");
                //taking the input from user
                //creating the File object to read the file coit20245.txt
                File file=new File("coit20245.txt");
                //now we will pass the instance of File above created to scanner 
                //class to read the content of the file
                Scanner file_reader=new Scanner(file);
                //taking the first letter from the name we have taken from user
                char first_letter_from_name=name.charAt(0);
                //initilizing the count variable to count the no of lines starting 
                //with first letter of our name
                int count=0;
                //now looping over the contents of file using while loop
                //file_reader.hasNextLine() will return true if file has next line 
                //after reading some line
                while (file_reader.hasNextLine())
                        String line=file_reader.nextLine();//reading the line from file
                        //taking the first letter of the line to compare with first letter 
                        //taken from our name
                        //checking the length of line if it has any character or onlu line
                        if (line.length()>0)
                                char first_letter_from_line=line.charAt(0);
                                //comparing the first letter of name and line for checking 
                                //whether the line is starting with first letter of name or not
                                if (first_letter_from_name==first_letter_from_line)
                                        //if first letter of name==first letter of line count will increase


                //printing the total no of line that is staring with first letter of name
                System.out.println("No of lines  staring with first letter of name:--> "+count);


//screenshots of code

#screenshot of output

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