Can you make this singular linked list to doubly linked
Create a Doubly Linked List.
Use this to create a Sorted Linked List,
Use this to create a prioritized list by use. Bring to front
those links recently queried.
#ifndef LINK_H
#define LINK_H
struct Link{
int data;
Link *lnkNxt;
#endif /* LINK_H */
//System Level Libraries
#include <iostream> //I/O Library
using namespace std; //Libraries compiled under std
//Global Constants - Science/Math Related
//Conversions, Higher Dimensions...
(15 pts) Describe an O(n)-time algorithm that partitions a
doubly linked list L into two doubly linked lists L1 and L2, where
L1 contains the odd-number-th elements in L and L2 contains the
even-number-th elements in L. Elements in both L1 and L2 should
appear in the same order as they appear in L. For example, if L
contains the numbers 4, 7, 9, 1, and -3, in that order, then the
output L1 should contain 4, 9, and -3,...
so the assigment is is a data strucutre using c++ to make a
doubly linked list that will be able to do math mostly addition and
multiplication, subratction and division is extra and would be
nice. so the program is going to to open files and read them via a
argumentmanager.h in a linux server try not to worry to much about
this part just getting the program to work. i was able to complete
part of the given code...
This is the code what I have for doubly linked list for STACK.
This is Python language and I want anyone to help me with the
following questions. Can you check for me if it is good Doubly
Linked List?
ADD the Following feature:
Include a class attribute in the container class called
In the implementation - Pod:
You should ask the user to enter the name of the container and
the program should...
Develop a C++ "doubly" linked list class of your own that can
hold a series of signed shorts
Develop the following functionality:
Develop a linked list node struct/class
You can use it as a subclass like in the book (Class contained
inside a class)
You can use it as its own separate class
Your choice
Maintain a private pointer to a node class pointer (head)
Initialize head pointer to null
Make sure to properly delete every node in...
Can you fix please?
this is adding the given location of doubly linked list in
but if I make reverse is not adding the new node that I added
but is printing forward correctly.
just fix to me that part
public void addAtLocation(E newNode, int location) {
Node node = new Node(newNode); = newNode;
Node previous = head;
int counter = 1;...
I need an example of how to swap and index within a doubly
linked list with index + 1. This is written in java.
public class A3DoubleLL<E> {
* Grading:
* Swapped nodes without modifying values - 2pt
* Works for all special cases - 1pt
public void swap(int index) {
//swap the nodes at index and
//change the next/prev connections,
do not modify the values
Data Structures on Java
Basic Linked List exercises
a. Suppose x is a linked-list node and not the
last node on the list.
What is the effect of the following code fragment? =
b. Singly Linked List has two private instance
variables first and last as that point to the first and the last
nodes in the list, respectively. Write a fragment of code that
removes the last node in a linked list whose first node is first....
Given a doubly linked list in c++, how do I create a function
that returns the pointer to first node in the given pattern, For
example, given mainList (a -> b -> c -> d) and
sublist (b -> c), our function should return a Node
pointer that points to first node of the sublist in the mainList.
If the pattern doesn't exist in the mainList, we should return a
nullptr, there are multiple of the same sublist in the mainList,...