
In: Computer Science

There are three ways to provide mutual exclusion in a system. Explain how mutual exclusion can...

There are three ways to provide mutual exclusion in a system.

Explain how mutual exclusion can be guaranteed using hardware approach and software approach.


Expert Solution

Hi, I would love to answer you with this question, hope you like an asnswer and get a clear idea related to the same. So not wasting much time lets get started.

Three ways to provide mutual exclusion in a system are as follows:

  • pthread mutex locks
  • test and set
  • atomic addition and substraction

Now the approches to achieve mutual exclusion hardware and the sofware are discussed below:

Hardware Approach Software approach
  • This can be achievd through Lock and Unlock technique
  • Locking is done at the entry section
  • Only one process is allowed to enter in the critical section
  • The process is moved to the Exit section after this
  • After this the unlock operation is done to perform the locking for another process
  • Process is designed in a way that the all conditions of the critical sections are satisfied
  • Inside this approach algorithms are used to maintain the sychronisation
  • Deckkers algorithm and the peterson algorithm are one of them
  • Conditionwise processes are executed
  • On true condition this is in busy waiting state
  • Two variables are used in the critical section which are flag and the turn variable
  • Process is designed in a way that the three critical sections are been satidfied

Hope you got an answer

Please like an answer and do comment for any type of queries

Thanks and Happy to help :)


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