
In: Computer Science

HW_6b - Read and write a text file. Include the following in the main.cpp file. Add...

HW_6b - Read and write a text file.

  1. Include the following in the main.cpp file.

  1. Add code so that the numbers that are read from the data.txt file are written to an output

          file named:   results.txt

  1. After the numbers are written to the file, the following message should be displayed:

   The data has been written to the file.

  1. Open the results.txt file and verify that the file was written successfully.

Please make the code based on C++, and write a description for each code.


Expert Solution

Here is the answer for your question in C++ Programming Language.

Kindly upvote if you find the answer helpful.




using namespace std;

int main(){
   //Create input file object
   ifstream inFile;
   //Open input file data.txt"data.txt");
   //Create output file object
   ofstream outFile;
   //Create and Open output file "results.txt""results.txt");
   //Required variable
   int n;
   //If the file is not found
       //Print appropriate message and exit
       cout << "File not found" << endl;
       return 1;
       //Read each number in the input file and store it in 'n'
       while(inFile >> n) {  
           //Write 'n' to output file,one 'n' per line
           outFile << n << endl;
       //Close both the file objects
       //Print message
       cout << "The data has been written to the file." << endl;
   //To check whether data is successfully written
   //Create input file object
   ifstream readFile;
   //Open the file results.txt"results.txt");
   //Read and print data from results.txt file
   cout << endl << "Data from results.txt file: " << endl;
   cout << "=================================" << endl;
   //Read each number from results.txt file and store it in 'n'
   while(readFile >> n) {      
       //Display 'n' to console
       cout << n << endl;
   //Close the file object
   return 0;



106 109 110
112 134 156



Please see the screenshots of the code below for the indentations of the code.





results.txt file


Any doubts regarding this can be explained with pleasure :)

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