What would be the difference in stopping sight distance for two
vehicles, each travelling at 65...
What would be the difference in stopping sight distance for two
vehicles, each travelling at 65 mph, (same tire conditions and road
conditions) if one is going up a 6% grade and the other going down
a 6% grade?
Expert Solution
Stopping sight distance is the minimum distance
visible to a driver ahead or the 'sight distance' available on a
highway at any spot should be of sufficient length to safely stop a
vehicle traveling at design speed, without collision with any other
Choose the correct answer:
1- The stopping sight distance depends upon:
a) design speed, driver perception & reaction time, vehicle
acceleration rate and road slope
b) design speed, vehicle length, vehicle acceleration rate and road
c) vehicle length, vehicle width, vehicle speed and road
d) wind speed, road slope, road curvature and side friction
none of the above
2- The superelevation rate of a highway has a design speed of
100kph, radius of 393.7m and side friction...
Two 1.0 metric ton cars crash into each other. Both collide
head-on, and each was travelling 27 mi/hr when the collision
occurred. The wreckage is at rest after the collision. How much
thermal energy was gained by the cars and road in the collision?
(in case you are worried, these were driverless vehicles with no
passengers inside!
Recall that a 100 W lightbulb uses up 100 Joules of energy in 1
second. If there was a way that the thermal...
Two travelling sinosoidal electromagnetic waves, each with an
intensity 5.0 W/m2 , interfere to form a standing wave. The
resulting electric field E⃗ (z,t) has nodes (i.e., is zero at all
times) at z=…,−2a,−a,0,a,2a,… with a = 7.0 m , and satisifes E⃗
(z,0)=0. Furthermore, the magnetic field B⃗ (z,t) is observed to
point along ±i^ everywhere. You may take c = 3.0×108 m/s and
8.9×10−12 F/m .
Part A What is the wavelength λ of the two constituent
What is the danger in using stepwise regression?
What is the difference between Cook’s Distance and DFFITS?
What can you do to remove multicollinearity?
What is a VIF?
If you have to create dummy variables for the seven continents
of the world, how many columns do you create and why?
Why do we standardize residuals?
Describe a QQ plot and what it can tell us.
2. Two charges, each having charge of +Q are separated by
distance d. What are electric field and potential created by these
two charges exactly at midpoint between them?
a. Both potential and electric field are 0.
b. Potential is 0, but electric field is not.
c. Electric field is zero, but potential is not.
d. Both potential and electric field are zero.
e. We should know more about charges and distance.
Two greenish birds 15 cm apart at distance 350 meters from an
observer. What would be a
suitable lens for his binoculars for a perfect view? Explain and
discuss your result.
state the percentage difference you think would be
enough of a difference to indicate that two categorical variables
would be independent and give your reasons why.