
In: Computer Science

Directions of assignment: - Create an array of words of size 10. - Prompt the User...

Directions of assignment:

- Create an array of words of size 10.

- Prompt the User to enter the 10 integers. Populate the array with the integers as they are entered.

- You MUST use indexed addressing to traverse through the array.

- Determine the maximum and the minimum values contained within the array and print them out.

Can you see what I am doing wrong here, the last part (to find the min and max) I can't seem to get right. Can you point me in the right direction. we need to use MIPS ASSEMBLY language, here is my code.

.globl main

li $t0, 0                                 # initilize array index value to 0
li $t1, 10                               # size of array is 10 (0 - 9)
li $t3, 0                               # initialize counter to zero
#Populate the array

   la $a0, intPrompt                        # prompt for integer
   li $v0,4                                  # a0 = address of string
   syscall                                # v0 = 4, indicates display a String

   li $v0,5                                # enter input -> v0
   syscall                                # 5 is sys call for read int

   move $t2, $v0                              # store word int to a[i]
   sw $t2, array($t0)

   add $t0,$t0,4                          # move pointer ahead to next array element
   add $t3,$t3,1                          # increment counter
   blt $t3,$t1,while                      # branch to while if counter < size of array
# End While to populate the array

   la $a0,title                           # Display "Array: "
   li $v0,4                                # a0 = address of message
# Loop to print array values
li $t0, 0                                # initilize array index value back to 0
li $t3, 0                                  # initilize size counter back to zero
   lw $t2,array($t0)                        # load word a[i] into temp (t2)
   move $a0, $t2                           # move a[i] to a0 for display
   li $v0,1                                   # display a[i]
   la $a0,comma                          # Display ", "
   li $v0,4                                    # a0 = address of message
   syscall                                    # v0 = 4 which indicates display a string
   add $t0,$t0,4                           # move pointer ahead to next array element
   add $t3, $t3, 1                         # increment counter

   blt $t3,$t1,startPrint                 # branch to startPrint if counter < size of array

endPrint:                              # End loop to print array values     
la $a0,crlf                             # Display "cr/lf"
li $v0,4                              # a0 = address of message
syscall                                    # v0 = 4 which indicates display a string

# min and max loop

li $t0, 0                             # initilize array index value back to 0
li $t3, 0                               # initilize size counter back to zero
sw $t5,array($t0)                       # t5 = min = a[0] (init)
sw $t6,array($t0)                     # t6 = max = a[0] (init)
   lw $t2,array($t0)                    # loads into t2 the first input
   bge $t5,$t2, notMin               # if t5 >= t2 goto notMin
   move $t5, $t2                       # move t2 to t5 if false
   j notMax                              # jump to notMax

notMin: ble $t6,$t2,notMax        # if t6 <= t2 goto notMax
   move $t6,$t2                        # move t2 to t6

notMax: add $t0,$t0,4               # move pointer ahead to next array element
   add $t3, $t3, 1                      # increment counter
   bnez $t0,newLoop

        la $a0,p1                         # Display "The minimum number is "
        li $v0,4                            # a0 = address of message
        syscall                           # v0 = 4 which indicates display a string
        move $a0,$t2                  # Display the minimum number
        li $v0,1

        la $a0,p2                       # Display "The maximum number is "
        li $v0,4                          # a0 = address of message
        syscall                   # v0 = 4 which indicates display a string

        move $a0,$t3            # Display the maximum number
        li $v0,1

li $v0,10                                # End Of Program

p1:         .asciiz   "The minimum number is "
p2:         .asciiz   "\nThe maximum number is "
intPrompt: .asciiz   "Enter an Integer: "   # hold the prompt message for each int in the array
title:      .asciiz   "\nArray: "
crlf:       .asciiz   "\n"
comma:      .asciiz   ", "

array:      .word 40 # 10 words


Expert Solution

Please up vote ,comemnt if any query . Thanks for Question . Be safe .

Note : check attached image for output ,code compiled and tested in MARS MIPS and QTSPIM simulator.

Remark :

you declared array : .word 40 its not good practice .first reserve 40 bytes for array like this :

array : .space 40   #reserve 40 bytes for array word takes 4 bytes so 10*4 =40 bytes

Inside max and min loop you mismatched if else condition . so i change it to simple if else working .

loop Code of max and min commented fully .

Program :

       array:      .space 40 # 10 words
   p1:         .asciiz   "The minimum number is "
   p2:         .asciiz   "\nThe maximum number is "
   intPrompt: .asciiz   "Enter an Integer: "   # hold the prompt message for each int in the array
   title:      .asciiz   "\nArray: "
   crlf:       .asciiz   "\n"
   comma:      .asciiz   ", "

.globl main

   li $t0, 0                                 # initilize array index value to 0
   li $t1, 10                               # size of array is 10 (0 - 9)
   li $t3, 0                               # initialize counter to zero

   #Populate the array

   la $a0, intPrompt                        # prompt for integer
   li $v0,4                                  # a0 = address of string
   syscall                                # v0 = 4, indicates display a String

   li $v0,5                                # enter input -> v0
   syscall                                # 5 is sys call for read int

   move $t2, $v0                              # store word int to a[i]
   sw $t2, array($t0)

   add $t0,$t0,4                          # move pointer ahead to next array element
   add $t3,$t3,1                          # increment counter

   blt $t3,$t1,while                      # branch to while if counter < size of array
# End While to populate the array

   la $a0,title                           # Display "Array: "
   li $v0,4                                # a0 = address of message
# Loop to print array values

li $t0, 0                                # initilize array index value back to 0
li $t3, 0                                  # initilize size counter back to zero
   lw $t2,array($t0)                        # load word a[i] into temp (t2)
   move $a0, $t2                           # move a[i] to a0 for display
   li $v0,1                                   # display a[i]
   la $a0,comma                          # Display ", "
   li $v0,4                                    # a0 = address of message
   syscall                                    # v0 = 4 which indicates display a string
   add $t0,$t0,4                           # move pointer ahead to next array element
   add $t3, $t3, 1                         # increment counter

   blt $t3,$t1,startPrint                 # branch to startPrint if counter < size of array

endPrint:                              # End loop to print array values   
la $a0,crlf                             # Display "cr/lf"
li $v0,4                              # a0 = address of message
syscall                                    # v0 = 4 which indicates display a string

# min and max loop

li $t0, 0                             # initilize array index value back to 0
li $t3, 1                               # initilize size counter back to 1 to start from a[1]
lw $t5,array($t0)                       # t5 = min = a[0] (init)
lw $t6,array($t0)                     # t6 = max = a[0] (init)
#we already get a[0] in $t5 and $t6 so start loop from a[1]
addi $t0,$t0,4 #move pointer to next array element

       #start of while loop
               lw $t2, array($t0)#load current element $t2=a[i]     
               bgt $t2,$t6,max #if current array element greater than $t6 than $t2 is max so jump to max label
               bge $t2,$t5,skip #else current array element greater than or equal to $t2 >min go to skip label
               move $t5,$t2 #else min($t5)=$t2
               j skip #jump to skip label
           max:   #inside max label assign $t2 to $t6=$t2 now $t6 have max value
                  move $t6,$t2  
           skip:#inside skip label increment loop count and pointer
               add $t0,$t0,4                          # move pointer ahead to next array element
               add $t3,$t3,1                          # increment counte
               blt $t3,$t1,whileLoop #if $t3<$t1 go to whileLabel
#--------------------------------------------------------------Print minimum and maximum ---------------------------------

                la $a0,p1                         # Display "The minimum number is "
                    li $v0,4                            # a0 = address of message
                    syscall                           # v0 = 4 which indicates display a string

                   move $a0,$t5                  # Display the minimum number
                           li $v0,1

                          la $a0,p2                       # Display "The maximum number is "
                          li $v0,4                          # a0 = address of message
                          syscall                   # v0 = 4 which indicates display a string

                          move $a0,$t6            # Display the maximum number
                         li $v0,1
       #terminate Program
           li $v0,10# End Of Program

Output :

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