
In: Psychology

Compare and contrast Aristotle, Kant and Mill's methodologies, emphasizing what you perceive as the particular strengths...

Compare and contrast Aristotle, Kant and Mill's methodologies, emphasizing what you perceive as the particular strengths and weaknesses of their position's effectiveness or ineffectiveness to achieve their desired results for a moral life/ethical existence as found in the self and society.


Expert Solution

It is a controversial question for the moral and homosexual corporation. Ethics and ethics are a subject of deep philosophical discussions. Every day, people face moral impulses. Often the community can decide on the options. Emmanuel Kanten, John Stuart Miley and Aristotle are philosophers who focus on morality, but they all differ.

Kant is considered voluntary, which means an inner motive, and a result of good deeds being achieved. The essence of the philosophy of Kous is to believe in individual freedom.

Millie expresses happiness and pain. Kant, on the contrary, focuses on individuality, modestly believes in the joy of every person, that can be disrupted by his actions. People have to seek great joy among those who have participated.

According to Aristotle, man's nature is as human happiness as the soul's pleasures. There is one argument against Aristotle. Aristotle's search for the "good" search is the "best" search. The best thing about anything, despite the current high level, has three features - it's self-accommodating, no other good for others, and every commodity is important.

However, a person can find happiness in finding other goods. In other words, does an individual become unhappy with wealth, power, and honor? It is not uncomfortable if someone misses these things. These other commodities are helping individuals to achieve the highest levels of Aristolle. If they are unhappy, their happiness will depend on their "other merchandise". Thus, happiness in some ways depends on other things. The word "good life" can be translated in different ways, but it must lead to a good life. Then there is happiness. Happiness can not be seen immediately, Because everything is just temporary pleasure. Happiness should be considered a final result and, as a lasting outcome, it can be reached as a long time.

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