
In: Chemistry

Consider an ionic compound, MX2MX2 , composed of generic metal MM and generic, gaseous halogen XX...

Consider an ionic compound, MX2MX2 , composed of generic metal MM and generic, gaseous halogen XX .

  • The enthalpy of formation of MX2MX2 is ΔH∘f= −817ΔHf∘

  • The enthalpy of sublimation of MM is ΔHsub= 115ΔHsub

  • The first and second ionization energies of MM are IE1= 717IE1 and IE2= 1395

  • The electron affinity of XX is ΔHEA= −323 kJ/mol. (Refer to the hint).

  • The bond energy of X2X2 is BE= 165 kJ/mol.

Determine the lattice energy of MX2MX2 .



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