
In: Statistics and Probability

A sociology professor hypothesizes that men's performance of routine housework is associated with the amount of sex they have with their partners.

A sociology professor hypothesizes that men's performance of routine housework is associated with the amount of sex they have with their partners. Data gathered using probability sampling are presented below for a group of men. Housework performance was measured as hours of routine housework performed the previous week. Sexual frequency was measured as the number of times each man reported having sex in the past year.

Weekly Household Hours Sex Frequency per Year
14 56
8 64
20 80
3 160
12 96
19 24
9 80
15 56
8 176

a. Identify the value of the statistic that shows the strength and the direction of the relationship between the independent variable and the dependent variable?

b. Interpret the statistic that you calculated for the previous question.

c. Please calculate and write down the regression equation, then interpret the y-intercept (a) and the slope (b). (You can just use "y-hat" to indicate Y^hat.) Please make sure to show your work on your worksheet.

d. Based on the data above, what sexual frequency do you predict for a man who performs 18 hours of housework per week?


Expert Solution

(a) the linear correlation between housework_per_week and sexual_frequency=r=-0.700

since the sign of the correlation coefficient is negative, so there is negative correlation between independent variable and the dependent variable

here we use sexual_frequency (y) as dependent variable and housework_per_week (x) as independent variable , as we have to predict number sexual frequency for a man who perform 18 hours of housework per week

(b) since the sign of correlation is negative, so if there is increase in housework_per_week (x) the sexual_frequency (y) will decrease and vice-versa.

(c) the regression equation =a+bx=163.1-6.3*x


b=(n*sum(xy)-sum(x)*sum(y))/ (n*sum(x2)-(sum(x))2)=(9*7952-108*792)/(9*1544-108*108)=-6.3

S.N. Weekly Household Hours Sex Frequency per Year x2 y2 xy
1 14 56 196 3136 784
2 8 64 64 4096 512
3 20 80 400 6400 1600
4 3 160 9 25600 480
5 12 96 144 9216 1152
6 19 24 361 576 456
7 9 80 81 6400 720
8 15 56 225 3136 840
9 8 176 64 30976 1408
sum= 108 792 1544 89536 7952
n= 9 9 9 9 9

here intercept is 163.1,it means if a person don't perform housework_per_week (i.e. x=0),his sexual frequency will be 163.1.

(The intercept is the expected mean value of dependent variable Y when all X=0.)

the slope=-6.3 this imply additional hour housework_per_week will decrease the sexual frequency by 6.3.

slope change in dependent variable when unit change is done in independent variable

(d) predicted sexual frequency predict for a man who performs 18 hours of housework per week=49.6.

using the regression equation in part (a)

for x=18, the =163.1-18*6.3=49.7

the regression analysis can be done using ms-excel as given

Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.699673
R Square 0.489542
Adjusted R Square 0.41662
Standard Error 38.03661
Observations 9
df SS MS F Significance F
Regression 1 9712.516 9712.516 6.713179 0.035893
Residual 7 10127.48 1446.783
Total 8 19840
Coefficients Standard Error t Stat P-value Lower 95% Upper 95% Lower 95.0% Upper 95.0%
Intercept 163.0968 31.63576 5.155456 0.001316 88.29008 237.9035 88.29008 237.9035
X Variable 1 -6.25806 2.415327 -2.59098 0.035893 -11.9694 -0.54672 -11.9694 -0.54672

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