
In: Computer Science

[Public key revocation procedure] Suppose that a certain authority is running a (publicly accessible) database of...

  1. [Public key revocation procedure] Suppose that a certain authority is running a (publicly accessible) database of users’ public keys. Let us define the following procedure for revoking a public key from the database. When a user Bob claims that the secret key skB corresponding to his public key pkB was stolen, he sends to the authority the statement “Revoke Bob’s public key pkB
    which is signed using skB . Upon receiving such the statement, the authority revokes pkB from the database.

Explain why it is not necessary for the authority to check Bob’s identity in this case.
In particular, explain why it is not a problem that an adversary who has stolen Bob’s secret key skB can forge signatures for this key.

Hint: Consider the following two cases:

1) Bob’s secret key skB was not stolen;

2) Bob’s secret key skB was stolen.


Expert Solution

In the database there has a secret key and public key.Here the pulic ke has a secret par and a public part.

for example bob has published his public key on his homepage for anyone to download.another user obtain his public ke encrpts a message using this ke and then send it to bob and bob able t decrypt the message using the secret part of his own key.

one one part must be kept secret.

there is no need to change your public/private key pair unless someone finds our public key.

For N people to communicate there need only be N public/private ke pairs.

There is no need for initial ke exchange and i can serve as a digital signature.

disadvantages they have he slow do to the enoromous amount of computation involved.

keys must be long   (1024 bits )

It has not been around long enough to be tested as much.

here is no proof for hat any public key scheme is secure x=secret key

y=public key

users i derives y in :

yi=a^(xi) mod g

users j derives in:

yj=a^(xi) mod g

zij=yj^(xi)=(a^(xj))^(xi) mod g = (a^(xi))^(xj) mod g =zji

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