
In: Computer Science

Write an assembly language program to calculate score = (num1 + num2) /2 i.e input two...

Write an assembly language program to calculate score = (num1 + num2) /2 i.e input two numbers num 1 and num 2 and divide it by 2 to display score.Test your program for the Pep/9 computer.


Expert Solution

DATA SEGMENT   ; initialization of data segment
 n1 DB 10   ;Declaration of first value
 n2 DB 3   ;Declaration of second value
 avg DB ?          ;Empty slot to store average
 remainder DB " remainder ",'$'
 rem DB ?           ;Empty slot to store remainder
DATA ENDS    ;End of data segment
CODE SEGMENT   ; code segment
Start:     ;Starting address
 MOV DS, AX   ;Initialize the DS register
 MOV AL, n1
 ADD AL, n2
 MOV AH, 00   
 MOV BL, 02   
 DIV BL    
 ADD AL, 48
 MOV average, AL  ;stores average
 ADD AH, 48
 MOV rem, AH   ;stores remainder
 CALL disp           
 MOV AX, 4C00H  ;Returns control to MS-DOS
 INT 21H
disp proc           ;Procedure "disp"
 MOV AH, 02H
 MOV DL, average
 INT 21H    ;Displays average
 MOV AH, 09H
 LEA DX, remainder
 INT 21H    ;Displays message "remainder"
 MOV AH, 02H
 MOV DL, rem
 INT 21H    ;Displays remainder
 ret     ;returns control back to the point this procedure was called
disp endp           ;End of procedure

CODE ENDS    ;End of code segment
END Start    ;End of program

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