
In: Psychology

Do you agree with the conclusions of the Mean World Syndrome? Do you perceive the world...

Do you agree with the conclusions of the Mean World Syndrome? Do you perceive the world as mean primarily because it looks that way on television, or is it really a mean world out there? How much television do you watch? If you are a “heavy” TV watcher, do you think that has an impact on your perceptions? Why or why not? How do you think the media affect our perceptions of the world?


Expert Solution

  • Our belief or attitude is largely influenced by story telling, and this is possibly why we all have, in some point of time in our lives, believed in the existence of fairy tale characters. This is exactly what happens with television.
  • Television is a significant source of amusement in our lives, and the media messages that we allow ourselves to be exposed to do not necessarily paint the world in a positive light. Murder, violence, rape, torture, etc., are portrayed as everyday happenings on the television. Likewise, television also normalizes notions concerning minorities, gender roles, stereotypes, etc.
  • These portrayals form our norms, which act as our guide to the society or, at large, the world we live in. These norms that are established as a result of heavy television viewing, thus cultivate attitudes in the viewers, which are in accord with the ones presented on television, thereby affecting our perception about the everyday world.
  • Heavy viewers (people who spend more time watching television) are prone to think of the world as a merciless and dangerous place to live, a conclusion that followed from the cultivation theory, also known as "mean world syndrome."
  • The mean world syndrome holds that crime and violence-related televised content instills fear among people and persuades them that the world is a nasty and dangerous place to live in than it really is. People who have become ritualistic in watching television hold unrealistic and unfavorable views about the world. Violent television programs culminate in a significant psychological impact.
  • I do agree with the fact,that the more people are subjected to violent imagery, the more affrighted and insecure they become of the world. Thus, watching violence-related content on television makes violence appear far more worse than it actually is, which then redounds on people's perception and attitude about everyday life.
  • For example,the news today is all about various kinds of crimes happening around the world,which is kind of inducing people to cultivate pessimistic and fearful views about the world.The news is also focusing only on the negative aspects of the society rather than highlighting the positive side which is making people more fearful and pessimistic about the society they are living in.
  • I do believe that by injecting fear in the minds of people, television networks don't just imbue us with feelings of fear and cynicism, but also limit our freedom. The more mistrustful and fearful we become, the more defensive and protective attitude we take on and constrict ourselves as well as those who matter to us by taking unnecessary precautions.
  • Eventhough,I am not a heavy television watcher myself,but I do see the impact of negativity showcssed on news and social media on people's perceptions.The crimes,communal messages,hatred etc. all is making people negative and even scared to live in this world,wherein they have started to feel that the world is becoming a not so great place to live since no one is safe.I do agree that negativity exists around us,but it is not entirely a mean world,if humanity was finished,then this world would have ended long time back.The fact that we all are still living states the fact posiitve and good people do exist around us,its just that the focus on them is less.What is needed is more attention and eyeballs on them through media to change people's perceptions.

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