In: Civil Engineering
Explain why there is a straight line offset at the early time stage when analyzing aquifer test data using Cooper-Jacob straight line technique?
Do pumping tests represent aquifers heterogeneity?
COOPER_JACOB METHOD- cooper jacob method analytical study of drawdown under radially convergent flow towards a single point in heterogeneous aquifers shows that the large time drawdown values form a straight line on a drawdown versus logt graph.
This is because of Theis well function, which exhibits a straight line segment.
they show the straight line segment can be approximated by
The properties of confined aquifer can be found by developing the time drawdown relationships by above formula. it consists of obtaining estimates for K and S from the slope and intercept of the line on graph.
Yes, pumping tests represents aquifers heterogeneity. In cooper jacob method analytical study of drawdown under radially convergent flow towards a single point in heterogeneous aquifers shows that the large time drawdown values form a straight line on a drawdown versus logt graph.