
In: Computer Science

[10, 3, 15, 18] 4. Password Checker Write a fuction called passwordChecker() that asks the user...

[10, 3, 15, 18]


Password Checker

Write a fuction called


that asks the user to input a string and

checks if the string can be used as a password. Loop until the user inputs an

appropriate password. A password must satisfy the following conditions:

(a) Must contain at least 12 characters

(b) Must contain one special symbol from string.punctuation [HINTS: use the


module; use the keyword



(c) Must contain at least one lower-case letter



Expert Solution


Hope you are doing fine. I have code the above question in python. All the conditions in the program have been met and the clear explanation and logic has been explained using the comments which have been highlighted in bold.


#importing string library for string.punctuation
import string

#function passwordChecker
def passwordChecker():
#The loop is continuosly executed until we use a break statement
while True:
#length_flag is used to indicate if the length is greater than 12 characters
#special_flag is used to see if the string contains atleast one special character
#count is used to count the number of lower case characters
#taking input from user
pwd=input('Enter the password: ')
#if length of string > 12
if len(pwd)>=12:
#flag is set to 1
#iterating each character of string
for x in range(0,len(pwd)):
#if he character is present in string.punctuation
if pwd[x] in string.punctuation:
#flag is set to 1
#if the character is a lower case, then we increase the count
if pwd[x].islower():
#if both flags are set to 1 and count>0 then we print that it is a valid password and break out of the loop
if length_flag==1 and special_flag==1 and count>0:
print("Valid password!")
print("Invalid password")
#if the length is less than 12
if length_flag!=1:
print("The password must contain atleast 12 characters")
#if there are no special characters
if special_flag!=1:
print("The password must contain atleast one special character")
#if there are no lower case characters
if count==0:
print("The password must contain at least one lower-case letter")
print("Please re-enter\n")
#the loop iterates again asking for input

#calling function from main to check execution

Executable code snippet from jupyter notebook:


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