
In: Operations Management

Your shipment is not reported correctly. list all options for you to correct this problem and...

Your shipment is not reported correctly. list all options for you to correct this problem and what CBSA may do to you and your carrier?


Expert Solution

In case my shipment isn't properly accounted for, the possible options for me to resolve this problem are entering the freight forwarding service to examine the issue and provide appropriate evidence to address the issue. Similarly, I will approach the goods and services supplier to search for clear evidence on whether the shipment is not properly accounted for and recommend that they take immediate restorative measures in this manner.

For the most dire result possible, I will then contact the insurance agent to deduct the loss I will suffer as a result of the shipping not being properly paid for and in the event of non-receipt of the goods. If my shipment is not properly accounted for, the possible options for me to resolve this problem are to contact the freight forwarding firm to examine the issue and provide sufficient paperwork to fix the issue. Similarly, I will approach the products and services supplier to search for clear evidence as to whether the shipment is not properly accounted for and urge them to take such swift restorative steps.

For the most dire situation possible, I will even contact the insurance agent to deduct the loss I will incur as a result of the shipping not being properly paid for and in the event of non-receipt of the goods. In such a situation on the off chance the shipment is not properly accounted for, CBSA may claim the transporter at that stage and not require it to pass the fringe security checkpost because the shipment is not correctly accounted for. In fact, all items in the freight container can also be intercepted and not altered until appropriate paperwork is produced or corrective steps are taken to show the shipment's genuineness and accuracy.

Even if it is not completed, CBSA has all the right to keep the shipment and the carrier under their possession and even make legal action against me for disregarding the security shipping policies of the outskirts.


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