In: Computer Science
14.19. Suppose that we have the following requirements for a
university database
that is used to keep track of students’ transcripts:
a. The university keeps track of each student’s name (Sname),
student number (Snum), Social Security number (Ssn), current
address (Sc_addr) and phone (Sc_phone), permanent address (Sp_addr)
and phone (Sp_phone), birth date (Bdate), sex (Sex), class (Class)
(‘freshman’, ‘sophomore’, … , ‘graduate’), major department
(Major_code), minor department (Minor_code) (if any), and degree
program (Prog) (‘b.a.’, ‘b.s.’, … , ‘ph.d.’). Both Ssn and student
number have unique values for each student.
b. Each department is described by a name (Dname), department code
(Dcode), office number (Doffice), office phone (Dphone), and
(Dcollege). Both name and code have unique values for each
c. Each course has a course name (Cname), description (Cdesc),
cours number (Cnum), number of semester hours (Credit), level
(Level), and offering department (Cdept). The course number is
unique for each course.
d. Each section has an instructor (Iname), semester (Semester),
year (Year), course (Sec_course), and section number (Sec_num). The
section number
distinguishes different sections of the same course that are taught
during the same semester/year; its values are 1, 2, 3, … , up to
the total number of sections taught during each semester.
e. A grade record refers to a student (Ssn), a particular section,
and a grade (Grade).
Design a relational database schema for this database application.
First show all the functional dependencies that should hold among
the attributes. Then design relation schemas for the database that
are each in 3NF or BCNF. Specify the key attributes of each
relation. Note any unspecified requirements, and make appropriate
assumptions to render the specification complete.
Using your DBMS, build this database and populate it with several entities. (Use your imagination)
Using your DBMS, build this database and populate it with several entities. (Use your imagination)
Using your DBMS, build this database and populate it with several entities. (Use your imagination)
Please help me with the set up SQL. thank you
Fuctional dependency is defined as a relationship between the two attributes of same table. FD helps in preventing anomalies and data redundancy.
These are Functional dependencies that can be inferred from given scenario:
Explanation for Functional dependencies
Primary key assumptions:
Primary key of STUDENT - SNUM
Foreign key assumptions:
Database creation steps:
/* Create a table called student
CREATE TABLE student(snum int PRIMARY KEY, ssn int unique, sc_addr
varchar(50), sc_phone int, sp_addr varchar(50), spp_phone int,
b_date int, sex char(10), class char(50), prog char(50), major_code
char(20), minor_code char(20));
/* Create a table called department
CREATE TABLE department(dcode int primary key, Dname char(20)
unique, Doffice int, Dphone int, Dcollege char(50));
/* Create a table called course
CREATE TABLE course ( Cnum int primary key, Cname char(20) unique ,
Cdesc char(100), credit int, level int, Cdept char(20));
/* Create a table called section
CREATE TABLE section(sec_course char(20), sec_num int, semester
int, year int, instructor_name char(20) );
/* Create a table called grades
CREATE TABLE grades(sec_course char(20), sec_num int, semester int,
year int, grade char(5));
/* Create few records in these table */
INSERT INTO student VALUES('Tom', 1, '101 park avenue', 12345, '102 street',1277, 20-02-1998, 'M', 'Global', 'C++', 'CS01', 'A');
INSERT INTO department VALUES( 101, 'Computer', 18001, 7869, 'Sunshine coast');
INSERT INTO course VALUES( 11, 'management', 'deals with management topics', '50 hours', 1, 'Engineering');
INSERT INTO section VALUES( 'Programming', 2, 4, 2001, 'Harry');
INSERT INTO grades VALUES('Programming', 2, 4, 2001, 'Harry', 'C');