In: Operations Management
sing the following material: Personally Yours: A Case Study Trilogy: Locate Case Study 2, The Negligent Hiring/Retention Case. Select either the role of Gary, Alyssa or Violet. Respond to both Parts 1 & 2. Papers must show an understanding of the situation(s) and issues presented in the Case Study, your ability to analyze those situation(s), (paying particular attention to issues that could present legal difficulties) presented and determine the correct action(s) HR must take.
Select either the role of Gary, Alyssa, or Violet.
The role the author has chosen isAlyssa Williams is
the HR manager for Personally Yours, Inc. She has remained in
thisposition for more than seven years. Williams operates in the
corporate headquarters situated in Tampa, Florida. She has an
undergraduate degree in HR and is active inthe local SHRM
Even though her title is formally HR manager, her
responsibilities are more like a vice president ofHR. She reports
directly to the president and founder, Sarah Winters, who regularly
turn to Williams regarding both general and strategic HR management
choices.The business has subcontracted some HR roles, such as
payroll; nevertheless, when itcomes to the residual HR roles that
are touched internally, top managementtakes a hands-off method and
permits Williams to wield her judgment. (Williamsis the
highest-ranking human resource management professional in the
business.)Williams feels praised by the confidence the senior
management has revealed in her.For instance, all requests to create
new positions must be accepted by Williams.
Respond to both Parts 1 & 2.
Part 1
Strangers can enter or be near your home, including meter readers,
fundraisers, home improvement workers, caretakers, salesmen, and
handymen, and do you know if all of them have passed a background
check? In some instances, the workers do not, as specified by a
recent item in The Dallas Morning News. In this story, a woman was
killed after two home improvement contractors linked with a major
department store in the area entered their home and then murdered
her in the future. This eventcaused in the organization CAUSE
establishing. CAUSE, which stands for Consumer Awareness of Unsafe
Service Employment, has been making strides for businesses to
execute background checks on all candidates doing in-home
Personally Yours, Inc. needs to perform background checks on every
employee because the workers are going into people’s homes. There
can be civil suits against Personally Yours if crimes are committed
by employees and there is no background check. This is important
for Personally Yours because they have workers encountering their
customers and deal with at-risk inhabitants such as children,
single moms, and the elderly. 1% of the population accounts for 63%
of all violent crimes and it’s up to Personally Yours, Inc to run
background checks on all employees to protect the company and its
Background checks will be conducted as a credit check. References
will be collected from past employers as well as verifying driver’s
licenses for any employee’s commuting to worksites. If there are
professional licenses required, such as nurses or certified nursing
assistants (CAN), Personally Yours, Inc will verify that the
licenses are valid and if there has been any disciplinary action on
the file. Annual background checks will be conducted every January
on all current employees to ensure everyone is in good standing. By
having background checks the company can reduce the incidence of
negligent hiring lawsuits with screening and have a better defense
if it is alleged. The company will also reduce the risk of employee
theft or fraud by screening for risk factors in the applicant’s
credit check.
Part 2
Fire Tidbits because he did not reveal the conviction. Tidbits can
not enter customer’s homes because he is a convicted sex offender.
Children, elderly and single moms will encounter Tidbits while he
works, and Personally Yours, Inc. could be found liable if anything
were to happen while Tibbits is on the job, especially if he is
operating in a customer’s home. The risk of firing Tidbits is less
than what repercussions could happen if Tibbits creates an alarming
situation for the company due to his behavior and being a convicted
sex offender. The company would much rather deal with a wrongful
termination suit than an utter catastrophe of sexual misconduct by
one of their employees.