In: Computer Science
BACKGROUND: Given a group of 'n' people, the odds that at least two people have the same birthday are much higher than you would think.
The program takes no input.
1. There is an equal chance of birthday landing on any day of the year.
2. We are not considering a leap year (only 365 days)
The simulation will be run in the following manner:
1. For a group size 2, assign a random birthday to each member
2. If the birthdays are identical, keep a count.
3. Repeat 10,000 times.
4. Repeat the simulation for group sizes in the range [2,50]
NOTE: for groups larger than 2, you only need to find a single match in order for it to count.
Cpp Code:
#include <iostream>
#include <ctime>
#include <stdlib.h>
using namespace std;
int main()
//seeding the random number
srand((unsigned) time(0));
//array to keep the birthdays
int birthArr[50];
//for groups of 2 to 50
for (int i=2;i<=50;i++){
//matching birthdays found
int foundCount=0;
//10000 simulations
for(int j=1;j<=10000;j++){
//filling the array with 0 before simulation
fill_n(birthArr, 50, 0);
bool found =false;
//getting the birthday for i people
for(int k=0;k<i;k++){
//randomly getting the birthdays
birthArr[k] = 1 + (rand() % 365);
//checking if the birthday already exists in the array
for(int l=0;l<k;l++){
//checking for existence
if(birthArr[k] == birthArr[l]){
found = true;
break; //break if found
//breaking if found
if(found == true){
if(found == true){
foundCount++; //incrementing the found count if found
//displaying the output
cout << "For n =" << i << " chance = "
<<(double)foundCount*100/10000 <<"%" <<
return 0;
Sample Output:
For n =2 chance = 0.22%
For n =3 chance = 0.82%
For n =4 chance = 1.54%
For n =5 chance = 2.61%
For n =6 chance = 3.92%
For n =7 chance = 5.42%
For n =8 chance = 7.37%
For n =9 chance = 9.85%
For n =10 chance = 12.4%
For n =11 chance = 13.71%
For n =12 chance = 15.68%
For n =13 chance = 19.34%
For n =14 chance = 22.05%
For n =15 chance = 25.95%
For n =16 chance = 28.49%
For n =17 chance = 31.97%
For n =18 chance = 35.08%
For n =19 chance = 38.6%
For n =20 chance = 40.31%
For n =21 chance = 45.06%
For n =22 chance = 47.82%
For n =23 chance = 50.22%
For n =24 chance = 53.43%
For n =25 chance = 56.14%
For n =26 chance = 58.85%
For n =27 chance = 63.48%
For n =28 chance = 65.01%
For n =29 chance = 68.15%
For n =30 chance = 70.82%
For n =31 chance = 74.33%
For n =32 chance = 75.78%
For n =33 chance = 77.16%
For n =34 chance = 79.03%
For n =35 chance = 81.3%
For n =36 chance = 83.44%
For n =37 chance = 84.95%
For n =38 chance = 86.25%
For n =39 chance = 87.57%
For n =40 chance = 89.77%
For n =41 chance = 90.15%
For n =42 chance = 90.95%
For n =43 chance = 91.93%
For n =44 chance = 92.81%
For n =45 chance = 94.02%
For n =46 chance = 94.6%
For n =47 chance = 95.31%
For n =48 chance = 96.03%
For n =49 chance = 96.93%
For n =50 chance = 97.12%