
In: Chemistry

Which nuclides are predicted to be unstable? 92Pd, 263Sg, or 166Nd. I did the N/P ratios...

Which nuclides are predicted to be unstable? 92Pd, 263Sg, or 166Nd. I did the N/P ratios and got 1, 1.48, and 1.77, respectively. I thought Nd would be the only unstable one because Pd's is a perfect 1 and Sg (a larger nuclei) is very close to 1.5. But my answer key says they are all unstable. Why?


Expert Solution

The stability of the nuclide depends on the ratio N/P (according to the stability band)

A nuclei with an even number of protons and neutrons are likely to be stable.

If there are the following amount of

proton: 2, 8, 20, 28, 50, 82, 114

neutron: 2, 8, 20, 28, 50, 82, 126, 184

the nucleus is likely to be stable

Pd 92, Pd has an atomic number of 46, there are 46 protons

92 - 46 = 46 neutrons

N/Z = 1

this value of N/Z is too low for this region of the band so this one is unstable

Sg 263

Atomic number = 106

neutrons = 263 - 106 = 157

N / P = 157 / 106 = 1.48

but at this point (very high atomic mas) there are no stable isotopes , elements with Z > 83 (number of protons) are radioactive and unstable

Nd 166

Nd atomic number 60

neutrons = 166 - 60 = 106

N/P is 1.77

in this band of region it is unstable

the N/P = 1 rule applies for low atomic number elements (lower than 20) as you increase the atomic number the N/Z ratio has to be slightly greater than 1 to be stable.

You can confirm these answers by looking at the stability band, you can find the chart easily on a book

*if this answer is helpful dont forget to rate it =)

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