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Modern Art Question 1 This artist provided the most important model for Conceptual artists: Pablo Picasso...

Modern Art

Question 1

This artist provided the most important model for Conceptual artists:

Pablo Picasso

Francis Picabia

Henri Matisse

Marcel Duchamp

Question 2

Philosopher whose theories influenced Joseph Kosuth's "One and Three Chairs:"





Question 3

Artist who made painting of the date each day:

Marcel Broodthaers

On Kawara

Hans Haacke

John Baldessari

Question 4

Known for his use of video as the primary medium in his artworks:

Daniel Buren

Joseph Kosuth

John Baldessari

Nam June Paik

Question 5

Artist who sewed her partner's mouth shut and then answered questions from the audience on his behalf:

Ana Mendieta

Vito Acconci

Bruce Nauman

Marina Abramovic

Question 6

Chris Burden did which one of these:

Created Body Art

Had himself shot

Made himself into a sculpture

All of these

Question 7

Which of these statement does NOT describe "Womanhouse:"

Included the work of Duchamp and Magritte.

A collaborative feminist work.

One of the largest installation of the 70s.

Included performances, classes and consciousness-raising sessions.

Question 8

The "Great Wall of Los Angeles" was a work:

Organized by Judy Baca

All of these

Included the work of 450 school children

World's longest mural

Question 9

The first African-American to represent the USA at the Venice Biennale:

Robert Colescott

Jean-Michel Basquiat

Adrian Piper

David Hammons

Question 10

Artist who created cards to be given out a social situations where racist remarks as made:

Bruce Nauman

David Hammons

Robert Colescott

Adrian Piper


Expert Solution

Answer 1 - Marcel Duchamp, He is considered to be known as the forefather of conceptual art.

Answer 2 - Plato, theories influenced Joseph Kosuth's "One and Three Chairs"

Answer 3 - On Kawara, he was a Japanese-born American artist who used to turn each day into a monument.

Answer 4 - Nam June Paik, He is a Korean American artist who is considered to be the founder of video art.

Answer 5 - Marina Abramovic, She is a conceptual and performance artist who explores body art. The sewing incident took place during a performance on 30th November 1976 in  Amsterdam.

Answer 6 - Had himself shot , Chris Burden is known for getting himself shot by arranging a friend to shoot him in the arm with the help of a  small-caliber rifle.

Answer 7 - A collaborative feminist work. It refers to a feminist art performance space and installation organized by Miriam Schapiro and Judy Chicago.

Answer 8 - Included the work of 450 school children. It is work of Judith Baca.

Answer 9 - Robert Colescott, He was the first African-American at the Venice Biennale to represent the USA.

Answer 10 - Adrian Piper, She is a philosopher and an American conceptual artist.

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